Business programme

Regulating the Real Estate Market: State Guarantees for the Protection of Rights

Congress Centre, conference hall D1
Effective Law for an Effective State
The purchase of real estate is an important event in a person’s life, as well as the most popular and understandable form of investment. Protecting people’s property rights is a priority for the government. Legislation designed to keep people safe and protect their interests is being constantly improved. However, this process brings with it new challenges for government bodies and the business sector. It requires a degree of flexibility and the ability to react quickly. Ensuring that the Unified State Register of Real Estate contains complete and reliable information is key to ensuring the safe and unopposed ownership of real estate. A package of legislative initiatives will help in this regard. These will focus on preventing incursions on land boundaries, eliminating errors in the registry, registering rights to existing real estate, and developing a so-called forest amnesty. How can people and businesses protect their real estate rights? What new approaches in real estate transactions will help secure owners’ rights? How can professional real estate market participants maintain efficiency in the face of changes to legislation?


Maksim Stepanov
Director of the Construction Department, Government of the Russian Federation


Alice Bezrodnaya
Deputy Minister of Justice of Russian Federation
Sergey Gavrilov
Сhairman of the Committee of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on Property, Land and Property Relations
Vladislav Zhdanov
Director, Roskadastr
Konstantin Korsik
President, Federal Notary Chamber
Alena Kochieva
Head, State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography Service of the Republic of South Ossetia
Vladimir Koshelev
First Deputy Chairman of the Committee of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation for Construction, Housing and Communal Services
Abbess Xenia (Chernega)
Head of the Legal Department of the Moscow Patriarchate; Abbess, Alekseevsky Stauropegial Convent
Oleg Skufinskiy
Head, The Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography (Rosreestr)
Dmitry Timofeev
Vice President for Government Relations and Corporate Relations, PJSC "PIK-Specialized Homebuilder"

Front row participants

Oleg Gagloev
Minister of Justice of the Republic of South Ossetia
Igor Gorskiy
President, Association of Realtors of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region
Konstantin Gultyaev
Deputy Director, Department of Economic and Civil Legislation, Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation

