Business programme

Intellectual Property Law in the 21st Century

Congress Centre, conference hall B4
International Law in the New Reality
The growth of the global intellectual property market in the 21st century is significantly outpacing that of global markets for resources, goods, and services. There is a reason why intellectual property is referred to as the ‘new oil’ and people recognize its vital role in a country’s economic development. However, unlocking the potential of intellectual property requires an answer to the question about what kind of legal regulation is optimal in this regard and takes into account the development of new technologies and industries, as well as new challenges in economics and geopolitics. What trends are we currently seeing in the development of intellectual property law in the 21st century? How should intellectual property law respond to major political and economic changes? How is the active use of artificial intelligence affecting the legal regulation of intellectual activities? What limits should there be in the legal protection of genomic research results? What are some of the specifics of protecting intellectual property in the creative industries?


Tatiana Yatsenko
Head of the Department of Private Law, Faculty of Law, National Research University Higher School of Economics


Sergey Kalashnikov
Head of the IP and IT Legal Direction, Yandex
Vladimir Lopatin
Academic Supervisor, Director, Republican Scientific Research Institute of Intellectual Property
Valentina Orlova
Partner, Head of Intellectual Property and Trademark Practice, Pepeliaev Group
Elena Pavlova
Head of the Department of Intellectual Rights, Private Law Research Centre under the President of the Russian Federation named after S.S. Alexeev
Maxim Proksch
Chairman of the Board, IPChain Association
Olga Ruzakova
Deputy Chief of Staff of the Committee of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation for State Construction and Legislation; Professor, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

