Our People are our Everything: Training and Development of Digital Economy and Cybersecurity Regulation Specialists
Congress Centre, conference hall D2
It is the task of the government to acknowledge and protect people’s digital rights from possible infringements, while upholding identity security, public safety, and state security as set out in legislation and the constitution. Most people deal with aspects to do with digital law in their day-to-day lives. However, when they enter a legal arrangement, they usually do so unconsciously, despite the fact that such arrangements concern a great many actions online, as well as the provision of digital services. Cybercrime, privacy infringements, and other issues are all on the rise as a result of many services and opportunities moving to the digital realm. It is therefore of great importance that efforts are made to educate people and raise awareness of digital law and digital transformation. In addition, lawyers need to be trained in issues surrounding IT.
Main topics for discussion:
• Tools to help educate people and raise awareness of digital rights and digital transformation. Tools to help train lawyers in IT-related issues.
• Building a pool of partner organizations to provide informational and organizational support in efforts to raise awareness of digital law in Russia.
• Organizing events where specialists and professionals can hold discussions in an attempt to identify new experts on the topic and to raise awareness of digital law.
• Training digital law specialists at universities and subsidizing study programmes.
• Raising awareness of institutions acting to protect digital rights (such as the Arbitration Court for Protecting Digital Rights operating under the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs).
• Training lawyers specializing in the digital realm and acting as a line of defence against cybercrime.
Main topics for discussion:
• Tools to help educate people and raise awareness of digital rights and digital transformation. Tools to help train lawyers in IT-related issues.
• Building a pool of partner organizations to provide informational and organizational support in efforts to raise awareness of digital law in Russia.
• Organizing events where specialists and professionals can hold discussions in an attempt to identify new experts on the topic and to raise awareness of digital law.
• Training digital law specialists at universities and subsidizing study programmes.
• Raising awareness of institutions acting to protect digital rights (such as the Arbitration Court for Protecting Digital Rights operating under the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs).
• Training lawyers specializing in the digital realm and acting as a line of defence against cybercrime.
Olga Binda
Deputy Editor-in-Chief, Russian Legal and Judicial Information Agency (RAPSI)
Elena Avakyan
Vice President, The Russian Federal Bar Association
Alexander Zhuravlev
Chairman of the Commission for Legal Regulation of Ensuring the Digital Economy, Association of Lawyers of Russia; Co-Founder, Moscow Digital School
Oleg Zaitsev
Dean of Higher School of Jurisprudence Department, Institute of Public Administration and Civil Service, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA)
Ruslan Ibragimov
Vice President for Government Relations, MTS
Maxim Inozemtsev
Editor-in-Chief, Digital Law Journal; Head of the Department of Dissertation Councils, Moscow State Institute of International Relations
Tatyana Mineeva
Commissioner for Entrepreneurs' Rights Protection in Moscow
Alexander Saveliev
Academic Supervisor of the "Digital Law" Educational Program, National Research University Higher School of Economics
Elina Sidorenko
General Director, Platform for Working with Entrepreneurs’ Enquiries; Director of Centre for Digital Economy and Financial Innovation, MGIMO University
Front row participants
Vladislav Arkhipov
Head of the Department of Theory and History of State and Law, St. Petersburg State University
Asya Borzova
Lawyer, Baltic Board of Lawyers named after Anatoly Sobchak

Olga Binda
Deputy Editor-in-Chief, Russian Legal and Judicial Information Agency (RAPSI)

Elena Avakyan
Vice President, The Russian Federal Bar Association
Elena Avakyan is the Executive Director of the Non-Profit Partnership for Advancement of Corporate Law.
Since 2019, Elena has been a member of the Federal Chamber of Lawyers Council. Since 2018, she served on the Expert Council on Legislative Support for the Development of the Securities Market and Derivative Financial Instruments under the Committee of the State Duma for Financial Markets.
From 2006 to 2014, Elena served as the head of Control and Analytic Directorate at the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation. She was one of the ideologists of the e-justice project in Russia and one of its managers.
In 2004–2005, Elena was the chairwoman of the board of the National Association of Securities Market Participants. In 1999–2004, she was the head of Legal Control Service and vice president of Renaissance-Capital. Before that, she worked as a general counsel of the board of the St Petersburg Stock Exchange.
At various times, Elena served as a financial market legislation expert for the FAS of Russia and Ministry of Finance, corporate governance expert for the Ministry of Economic Development, expert for the State Duma Committee on Credit Organizations and Financial Markets and Council of the Federation Committee on Financial Markets and Money Circulation as well as an expert of the Property Committee of the RF State Duma, an assistant to the Committee chairperson and assistant to a deputy of the State Duma Committee on Constitutional Legislation and State-Building. Since 2011, she is a member of the working group on multi-purpose centers. She took part in the drafting of a concept of new civil legislation.
Elena is a member of all working groups at the Skolkovo competence centres in each of the focus areas of the Digital Economy national programme; she leads a small working group on the concept of an ‘electronic document’ within the Skolkovo working groups.
Since 2019, Elena has been a member of the Federal Chamber of Lawyers Council. Since 2018, she served on the Expert Council on Legislative Support for the Development of the Securities Market and Derivative Financial Instruments under the Committee of the State Duma for Financial Markets.
From 2006 to 2014, Elena served as the head of Control and Analytic Directorate at the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation. She was one of the ideologists of the e-justice project in Russia and one of its managers.
In 2004–2005, Elena was the chairwoman of the board of the National Association of Securities Market Participants. In 1999–2004, she was the head of Legal Control Service and vice president of Renaissance-Capital. Before that, she worked as a general counsel of the board of the St Petersburg Stock Exchange.
At various times, Elena served as a financial market legislation expert for the FAS of Russia and Ministry of Finance, corporate governance expert for the Ministry of Economic Development, expert for the State Duma Committee on Credit Organizations and Financial Markets and Council of the Federation Committee on Financial Markets and Money Circulation as well as an expert of the Property Committee of the RF State Duma, an assistant to the Committee chairperson and assistant to a deputy of the State Duma Committee on Constitutional Legislation and State-Building. Since 2011, she is a member of the working group on multi-purpose centers. She took part in the drafting of a concept of new civil legislation.
Elena is a member of all working groups at the Skolkovo competence centres in each of the focus areas of the Digital Economy national programme; she leads a small working group on the concept of an ‘electronic document’ within the Skolkovo working groups.

Alexander Zhuravlev
Chairman of the Commission for Legal Regulation of Ensuring the Digital Economy, Association of Lawyers of Russia; Co-Founder, Moscow Digital School

Oleg Zaitsev
Dean of Higher School of Jurisprudence Department, Institute of Public Administration and Civil Service, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA)
Dean of the School of Law IPACS RANEPA
Member of the Civic Council of The Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography (Rosreestr)
Member of the Expert council of the Higher Attestation Comission of Law and Political Science
Member of the Board of the Exeprt Center of the Association of lawyers of Russia
Member of the Board of the Center of International Legal Education
Vice-rector of masters program of the International Academy of Law «BERINGOFF»
Member of the Civic Council of The Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography (Rosreestr)
Member of the Expert council of the Higher Attestation Comission of Law and Political Science
Member of the Board of the Exeprt Center of the Association of lawyers of Russia
Member of the Board of the Center of International Legal Education
Vice-rector of masters program of the International Academy of Law «BERINGOFF»

Ruslan Ibragimov
Vice President for Government Relations, MTS
Graduated Lomonosov Moscow State University (1986), Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (1992), PhD in law
Vice-President for Corporate and Legal Affairs of PJSC MTS since 2008, member of the Management Board - since 2007. In 2006 joined MTS as Director of Legal Department, then was appointed to Director of legal issues.
Board Member, Vice-President of the Russian Association of Corporate Counsel (RCCA),
Senior Director of the Association of Independent Directors, Chairman of the Board of the Association "National Payments Council". The Expert Council of the State Duma Committee on Information Policy, Information Technology and Communications Member, the Commission of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP) for Communications and IT Technologies Member, the Russian public organization “Association of Lawyers of Russia” Member and the Association of Antimonopoly Experts Member.
Currently a member of the Corporate Governance Committee of the Board of Directors, PJSC "MTS". Member of the Board of Directors of OJSC “Publishing House «Vusshaya Shkola»”, JSC «Publishing House "Prosveshcheniye”», Family medical clinics net «Doctor Ryadom».
R. Ibragimov is member of the editorial board of the journal "Competition and Law".
His articles are published in Russian and foreign thematic publications («Legal Insight», «Corporate Lawyer», «Zakon», «Documentary Telecommunications», «Standard Tribune», «The Paragraph», etc.)
For public activities R. Ibragimov was awarded by the FAS (Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Russian Federation) Honorary Diplomas: "For active participation in the improvement of antimonopoly legislation and the development of competition policy" (2012) and "For special merits in ensuring freedom of competition and effective protection of entrepreneurship" (2017).
He was awarded Honorary Diploma of the Ministry of Communications and Mass Media communications "For a significant contribution to the development of the regulatory and legal framework for the telecommunications industry and telecommunications services of the Russian Federation, for long-term and conscientious work in the communications industry" (2015).
R. Ibragimov was honored by the State award: Medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland II degree (2017).
Vice-President for Corporate and Legal Affairs of PJSC MTS since 2008, member of the Management Board - since 2007. In 2006 joined MTS as Director of Legal Department, then was appointed to Director of legal issues.
Board Member, Vice-President of the Russian Association of Corporate Counsel (RCCA),
Senior Director of the Association of Independent Directors, Chairman of the Board of the Association "National Payments Council". The Expert Council of the State Duma Committee on Information Policy, Information Technology and Communications Member, the Commission of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP) for Communications and IT Technologies Member, the Russian public organization “Association of Lawyers of Russia” Member and the Association of Antimonopoly Experts Member.
Currently a member of the Corporate Governance Committee of the Board of Directors, PJSC "MTS". Member of the Board of Directors of OJSC “Publishing House «Vusshaya Shkola»”, JSC «Publishing House "Prosveshcheniye”», Family medical clinics net «Doctor Ryadom».
R. Ibragimov is member of the editorial board of the journal "Competition and Law".
His articles are published in Russian and foreign thematic publications («Legal Insight», «Corporate Lawyer», «Zakon», «Documentary Telecommunications», «Standard Tribune», «The Paragraph», etc.)
For public activities R. Ibragimov was awarded by the FAS (Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Russian Federation) Honorary Diplomas: "For active participation in the improvement of antimonopoly legislation and the development of competition policy" (2012) and "For special merits in ensuring freedom of competition and effective protection of entrepreneurship" (2017).
He was awarded Honorary Diploma of the Ministry of Communications and Mass Media communications "For a significant contribution to the development of the regulatory and legal framework for the telecommunications industry and telecommunications services of the Russian Federation, for long-term and conscientious work in the communications industry" (2015).
R. Ibragimov was honored by the State award: Medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland II degree (2017).

Maxim Inozemtsev
Editor-in-Chief, Digital Law Journal; Head of the Department of Dissertation Councils, Moscow State Institute of International Relations

Tatyana Mineeva
Commissioner for Entrepreneurs' Rights Protection in Moscow
Mineeva Tatiana Vadimovna graduated from Astrakhan State Technical University in 2004, PhD in economics.
2005-2012 - worked in the Government of the Astrakhan region.
2012 - 2013 – Head of a program at ANO «Agency for Strategic Initiatives to Promote New Projects».
2013 - 2019 - Vice President of the All-Russian public organization "Business Russia". In December 2017, she was appointed Head of the Executive committee of the Moscow regional branch of Business Russia.
Since 2019 – the Business ombudsman of the city of Moscow in the Government of Moscow.
In her work as an Ombudsman, she built almost from scratch the infrastructure for the protection of business rights in Moscow – more than 500 businessmen, experts and lawyers were involved on a voluntary basis, 24 public reception offices were opened throughout the capital. Thus, for the first time in Russia, it was formed the integrated community of public businessmen structures called - the Ecosystem of the Business ombudsman of the city of Moscow.
In 2020, 140 victories were achieved in restoring the rights of entrepreneurs, 77 legislative initiatives of the business support for the period of COVID-19 pandemic and 13 system business environment legislative initiatives were implemented. As a result of the work, the second part of the book "How to be friends with the state?" was written and published.
Tatiana is a winner of the open competition «Leaders of Russia. Politics 2020».
2005-2012 - worked in the Government of the Astrakhan region.
2012 - 2013 – Head of a program at ANO «Agency for Strategic Initiatives to Promote New Projects».
2013 - 2019 - Vice President of the All-Russian public organization "Business Russia". In December 2017, she was appointed Head of the Executive committee of the Moscow regional branch of Business Russia.
Since 2019 – the Business ombudsman of the city of Moscow in the Government of Moscow.
In her work as an Ombudsman, she built almost from scratch the infrastructure for the protection of business rights in Moscow – more than 500 businessmen, experts and lawyers were involved on a voluntary basis, 24 public reception offices were opened throughout the capital. Thus, for the first time in Russia, it was formed the integrated community of public businessmen structures called - the Ecosystem of the Business ombudsman of the city of Moscow.
In 2020, 140 victories were achieved in restoring the rights of entrepreneurs, 77 legislative initiatives of the business support for the period of COVID-19 pandemic and 13 system business environment legislative initiatives were implemented. As a result of the work, the second part of the book "How to be friends with the state?" was written and published.
Tatiana is a winner of the open competition «Leaders of Russia. Politics 2020».

Alexander Saveliev
Academic Supervisor of the "Digital Law" Educational Program, National Research University Higher School of Economics

Elina Sidorenko
General Director, Platform for Working with Entrepreneurs’ Enquiries; Director of Centre for Digital Economy and Financial Innovation, MGIMO University
Sidorenko Elina - Doctor of Law, Professor of MGIMO University (Moscow State Institute of International Relations under Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia), Head of MGIMO Digital economy centre.
A graduate of the Stavropol State University (now — The North-Caucasus Federal University) in 2001. In 2002 she successfully defended her thesis and in 2013 she successfully defended her thesis for the degree of Doctor of Law. Since 2013 she is Professor of MGIMO University, since 2017 she is the Head of MGIMO Digital economy centre.
Research interests: financial security, digital economy, anti-corruption policy, laundering of the proceeds from crime and financing of terrorism.
She is the author of 150 scientific works.
Sidorenko Elina is actively working as an expert. She is a member of the Expert Council of the RF President's Administration on anti-corruption, the Head of the Working Group of the State Duma of RF Federal Gathering on cryptocurrency circulation risk assessment, the Head of the new digital technologies Expert Council of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs. Participates in the development of legislation on cryptocurrency circulation regulation in Russia.
A graduate of the Stavropol State University (now — The North-Caucasus Federal University) in 2001. In 2002 she successfully defended her thesis and in 2013 she successfully defended her thesis for the degree of Doctor of Law. Since 2013 she is Professor of MGIMO University, since 2017 she is the Head of MGIMO Digital economy centre.
Research interests: financial security, digital economy, anti-corruption policy, laundering of the proceeds from crime and financing of terrorism.
She is the author of 150 scientific works.
Sidorenko Elina is actively working as an expert. She is a member of the Expert Council of the RF President's Administration on anti-corruption, the Head of the Working Group of the State Duma of RF Federal Gathering on cryptocurrency circulation risk assessment, the Head of the new digital technologies Expert Council of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs. Participates in the development of legislation on cryptocurrency circulation regulation in Russia.

Vladislav Arkhipov
Head of the Department of Theory and History of State and Law, St. Petersburg State University

Asya Borzova
Lawyer, Baltic Board of Lawyers named after Anatoly Sobchak