The Aesthetics of Legal Design: Current Achievements
Congress Centre, conference hall B4
Growth has been put under threat. Under the current sanctions, competition on the domestic market has intensified across a number of sectors, and the legal environment has become increasingly complicated. What can be done to make legalese understandable to the client, and promote the sale of a legal product? More than 90% of lawyers believe that good legal design can help increase earnings. What impact can legal design have on client loyalty, the speed of decision-making processes, and operational efficiency? What new opportunities are emerging for the B2C and G2B/C sectors during the current turbulence in the market? How does aesthetic design affect consumption, and can it serve as an additional factor for sales? What visual representations of complex information do businesses and users require? Who can act as a communicator between the state and users? What specific features characterize legal communication for Russian businesses in new markets? Do the content and style of a document have an effect on the decision a client ends up taking? How is legal design being implemented in Russia today?
Maria Doroshenko
General Director, LegalPics
Tatyana Nechaeva
Head of Operations Practice, HeadHunter Group of Companies
Denis Primakov
Head of International Law and Compliance, Faberlik
Maxim Proksch
Executive Director, Scientific and Educational Center for Intellectual Property and Digital Economy Digital IP; Adviser to the Chairman, All-Russian Socio-State Organization Russian Creative Products Rights Transaction Center
Mirza Chiragov
Practicing Lawyer, Follower of LegalTech and Legal Design

Maria Doroshenko
General Director, LegalPics

Tatyana Nechaeva
Head of Operations Practice, HeadHunter Group of Companies

Denis Primakov
Head of International Law and Compliance, Faberlik

Maxim Proksch
Executive Director, Scientific and Educational Center for Intellectual Property and Digital Economy Digital IP; Adviser to the Chairman, All-Russian Socio-State Organization Russian Creative Products Rights Transaction Center

Mirza Chiragov
Practicing Lawyer, Follower of LegalTech and Legal Design