The Russian Financial Market: What Lies Beyond the Horizon of Sanctions? (dialogue between the regulator and regulated)
Congress Centre, conference hall D3
The Russian financial market is currently attempting to adapt to the new reality. Familiar ways of interacting with global institutions have either already disappeared, or are doing do before our eyes. Demand for services inside Russia are also changing. The transformation of the financial market is already a tangible phenomenon, both in part, and as a whole. What can be done to ensure that this process goes as smoothly as possible, with minimal impact on the financial market, consumers of services, and society? When might this period of adaptation come to an end? What kind of market will emerge as a result, both in terms of quality, and framework? What legal mechanisms might be required to support the transition and to build this new framework?
Alexey Guznov
Secretary of State – Deputy Chairman, The Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia)
Vladimir Chistyukhin
First Deputy Governor, The Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia)
Sergey Shvetsov
Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Moscow Exchange

Alexey Guznov
Secretary of State – Deputy Chairman, The Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia)
Born on 18 June 1967 in Gorky.
1990: graduated from the Lomonosov Moscow State University.
Candidate of Juridical Sciences (1994); Doctor of Juridical Sciences (2016).
Author of over 80 publications on the theory of law and financial regulation, including tutorials and monographs.
1984–1985: Assembly Mechanic at the Gorky Institute Salyut, Gorky.
1985–1990: student at the the Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow.
1990–1991: Legal Advisor (contractor) at the Leisure Centre of the Oktyabrsky District, Moscow.
1991: Legal Team Leader at the International Association of Parliamentarians, Moscow.
1991–1992: Assistant to the Chairman of the Council of the Union of the USSR Supreme Council, Moscow.
1992–1994: Planning Team Leader, Deputy Chief of the Parliamentarianism Section at the Parliamentary Centre of the Russian Federation, Moscow.
1995–1997: Deputy Head of Section, Head of Section in the Banking Legislation Division of the Legal Department at the Bank of Russia, Moscow.
1997–1998: Deputy Head of the Division for Legal Support of Banking Operations of the Bank of Russia’s Legal Department, Moscow.
1998–2002: Deputy Director — Head of the Division for Legal Support of Banking Operations of the Bank of Russia’s Legal Department, Moscow.
2002–2014: Deputy Director of the Bank of Russia’s Legal Department, Moscow.
2014–2022: Director of the Bank of Russia’s Legal Department, Moscow.
Since 2022: State Secretary — Deputy Governor of Bank of Russia.
Member of the Bank of Russia Board of Directors (since 10 October 2018).
He holds the title of Honoured Lawyer of the Russian Federation; the medal of the Order ‘For Merit to the Fatherland’ 2nd class; awards of the Federation Council and the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation; and awards of Russian ministries. Themis Award winner.
1990: graduated from the Lomonosov Moscow State University.
Candidate of Juridical Sciences (1994); Doctor of Juridical Sciences (2016).
Author of over 80 publications on the theory of law and financial regulation, including tutorials and monographs.
1984–1985: Assembly Mechanic at the Gorky Institute Salyut, Gorky.
1985–1990: student at the the Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow.
1990–1991: Legal Advisor (contractor) at the Leisure Centre of the Oktyabrsky District, Moscow.
1991: Legal Team Leader at the International Association of Parliamentarians, Moscow.
1991–1992: Assistant to the Chairman of the Council of the Union of the USSR Supreme Council, Moscow.
1992–1994: Planning Team Leader, Deputy Chief of the Parliamentarianism Section at the Parliamentary Centre of the Russian Federation, Moscow.
1995–1997: Deputy Head of Section, Head of Section in the Banking Legislation Division of the Legal Department at the Bank of Russia, Moscow.
1997–1998: Deputy Head of the Division for Legal Support of Banking Operations of the Bank of Russia’s Legal Department, Moscow.
1998–2002: Deputy Director — Head of the Division for Legal Support of Banking Operations of the Bank of Russia’s Legal Department, Moscow.
2002–2014: Deputy Director of the Bank of Russia’s Legal Department, Moscow.
2014–2022: Director of the Bank of Russia’s Legal Department, Moscow.
Since 2022: State Secretary — Deputy Governor of Bank of Russia.
Member of the Bank of Russia Board of Directors (since 10 October 2018).
He holds the title of Honoured Lawyer of the Russian Federation; the medal of the Order ‘For Merit to the Fatherland’ 2nd class; awards of the Federation Council and the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation; and awards of Russian ministries. Themis Award winner.

Vladimir Chistyukhin
First Deputy Governor, The Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia)
Professional Experience:
1995–1996 – economist of the 2nd category, economist of the 1st category, leading economist with the Foreign Exchange Regulation Division of the Main Division for Foreign Exchange Regulation and Foreign Exchange Control Department of the Bank of Russia.
1996–1997 – leading economist of the Foreign Exchange Regulation Division, chief economist of the Foreign Exchange Control of Capital Operations Division of the Bank of Russia Foreign Exchange Regulation and Foreign Exchange Control Department.
1997–1999 – Deputy Head of the Foreign Exchange Control of Capital Operations Division – Section Head of the Foreign Exchange Regulation and Control Department of the Bank of Russia.
1999–2000 – Head of the Foreign Exchange Operations Analysis Division of the Foreign Exchange Regulation Department of the Bank of Russia.
2000–2002 – Deputy Director of Foreign Exchange Regulation Department of the Bank of Russia
2002–2004 – Deputy Director of Foreign Exchange Regulation and Control Department of the Bank of Russia.
2004–2011 – Deputy Director of Banking Regulation and Supervision Department of the Bank of Russia.
2011–2013 – Director of the Financial Stability Department of the Bank of Russia.
Since September 2013 to 2 March 2014 – First Deputy Head of the Financial Markets Service of the Bank of Russia.
Since 28 February 2014 – Deputy Governor of the Bank of Russia.
Since 17 January 2022: First Deputy Governor of the Bank of Russia.
Member of the Bank of Russia Board of Directors (since 10 October 2018).
In 1995, graduated from the Department of Law of the Lomonosov Moscow State University, major in law.
1995–1996 – economist of the 2nd category, economist of the 1st category, leading economist with the Foreign Exchange Regulation Division of the Main Division for Foreign Exchange Regulation and Foreign Exchange Control Department of the Bank of Russia.
1996–1997 – leading economist of the Foreign Exchange Regulation Division, chief economist of the Foreign Exchange Control of Capital Operations Division of the Bank of Russia Foreign Exchange Regulation and Foreign Exchange Control Department.
1997–1999 – Deputy Head of the Foreign Exchange Control of Capital Operations Division – Section Head of the Foreign Exchange Regulation and Control Department of the Bank of Russia.
1999–2000 – Head of the Foreign Exchange Operations Analysis Division of the Foreign Exchange Regulation Department of the Bank of Russia.
2000–2002 – Deputy Director of Foreign Exchange Regulation Department of the Bank of Russia
2002–2004 – Deputy Director of Foreign Exchange Regulation and Control Department of the Bank of Russia.
2004–2011 – Deputy Director of Banking Regulation and Supervision Department of the Bank of Russia.
2011–2013 – Director of the Financial Stability Department of the Bank of Russia.
Since September 2013 to 2 March 2014 – First Deputy Head of the Financial Markets Service of the Bank of Russia.
Since 28 February 2014 – Deputy Governor of the Bank of Russia.
Since 17 January 2022: First Deputy Governor of the Bank of Russia.
Member of the Bank of Russia Board of Directors (since 10 October 2018).
In 1995, graduated from the Department of Law of the Lomonosov Moscow State University, major in law.

Sergey Shvetsov
Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Moscow Exchange