The Digitalization of Justice: Problems and Prospects
Pavilion F, conference hall F1
The pandemic has given a new boost to digital transformation across all areas of society. And justice is no exception. At the same time, there are numerous options when it comes to implementing modern technologies in the courts, and each of them has its advantages and disadvantages. A degree of experience has already been amassed in the administration of online justice. With this in mind, it is a fitting moment to discuss the problems which have accumulated, as well as future prospects. What can be done to strike a balance between the right to physically and remotely attend court sessions? What can be done to ensure the security and authenticity of transmitted data? What steps can be taken to prevent the substitution of participants through deepfake-style technologies? Does transnational participation violate national sovereignty, and is it possible to move international cooperation in justice online?
Dmitry Ter-Stepanov
Deputy General Director – Director of Regulatory Control, Digital Economy
Albina Aubakirova
Head of the Department for Coordination of Legislative Activities of the Department of Legislation, Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Vladimir Gureev
Vice-Rector for Science, Head of the Department, Professor of the Department of Civil Procedure and Organization of the Bailiff Service, All-Russian State University of Justice (RPA of the Ministry of Justice of Russia)
Uday Umesh Lalit
Judge, Supreme Court of the Republic of India
Dmitrii Markov
General Director, VisionLabs
Sergey Minkin
Head of Judicial Protection, Legal Department, Sberbank
Vladimir Utkin
Legal Director, "T Plus"
Vadim Fedorov
Deputy Minister of Justice of the Russian Federation
Yulia Kharitonova
Professor of the Department of Entrepreneurial Law, Faculty of Law, Lomonosov Moscow State University
Mikhail Shalumov
Deputy Head of Department - Head of Division for Systematisation of Legislation and Analysis of Judicial Practice in Criminal Matters, Department for Systematisation of Legislation and Analysis of Judicial Practice, Supreme Court of the Russian Federation
Front row participants
Ayaz Baetov
Minister of Justice of the Kyrgyz Republic
Regina Karimova
Director of Judicial and Analytical Work Directorate of Legal Department, Russian Copper Company

Dmitry Ter-Stepanov
Deputy General Director – Director of Regulatory Control, Digital Economy
Chaired by Dmitry Ter-Stepanov, Deputy CEO, ANO Digital Economy, Data Policy Lead.
Dmitry has an extensive experience in data policy—leading in ANO Digital Economy since 2017 especially in the area of regulation. He previously headed payment services for FGUP Russian Post, lead in strategy and financial administrative issues in JSC Universal Electric Card and worked in the Ministry of Economic Development.
Dmitry has an extensive experience in data policy—leading in ANO Digital Economy since 2017 especially in the area of regulation. He previously headed payment services for FGUP Russian Post, lead in strategy and financial administrative issues in JSC Universal Electric Card and worked in the Ministry of Economic Development.

Albina Aubakirova
Head of the Department for Coordination of Legislative Activities of the Department of Legislation, Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Vladimir Gureev
Vice-Rector for Science, Head of the Department, Professor of the Department of Civil Procedure and Organization of the Bailiff Service, All-Russian State University of Justice (RPA of the Ministry of Justice of Russia)

Uday Umesh Lalit
Judge, Supreme Court of the Republic of India
Justice Uday Umesh Lalit
He was born on November 09, 1957 and enrolled as an Advocate on the Rolls of Bar Council of Maharashtra and Goa in June, 1983. He practised in the High Court of Bombay till December, 1985 and shifted his practice to Delhi in January 1986. He worked as Junior in the chambers of Mr. Soli J. Sorabjee from 1986 till 1992.
From 1992 till 2002 he practised as Advocate on Record and was designated as Senior Advocate by the Supreme Court in April 2004.
He was appointed Amicus Curiae to assist the Court in many matters including Forest matters, Vehicular Pollution, Pollution of Yamuna etc. He was appointed Special Public Prosecutor for CBI under the orders of the Supreme Court to conduct trial in all 2G matters.
He was conferred Doctorate in Law (Honoris Causa) in 2012 by Utkal University.
He was appointed as a Judge of the Supreme Court of India on August 13, 2014. He is due to retire on November 8, 2022.
He was born on November 09, 1957 and enrolled as an Advocate on the Rolls of Bar Council of Maharashtra and Goa in June, 1983. He practised in the High Court of Bombay till December, 1985 and shifted his practice to Delhi in January 1986. He worked as Junior in the chambers of Mr. Soli J. Sorabjee from 1986 till 1992.
From 1992 till 2002 he practised as Advocate on Record and was designated as Senior Advocate by the Supreme Court in April 2004.
He was appointed Amicus Curiae to assist the Court in many matters including Forest matters, Vehicular Pollution, Pollution of Yamuna etc. He was appointed Special Public Prosecutor for CBI under the orders of the Supreme Court to conduct trial in all 2G matters.
He was conferred Doctorate in Law (Honoris Causa) in 2012 by Utkal University.
He was appointed as a Judge of the Supreme Court of India on August 13, 2014. He is due to retire on November 8, 2022.

Dmitrii Markov
General Director, VisionLabs
Dmitry Markov graduated from the Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics. In 2010, he received an MBA from California State University. From 2008 to 2011, Dmitry Markov was in charge of the construction and development department of the network of Comstar-UTS OJSC. In 2011, he held the post of Program Director at PJSC NIS Glonass and was responsible for the creation of the ERA-Glonass state emergency response system. In 2014, he was appointed CEO of NIS Glonass. Prior to his appointment to Visionlabs, Markov was the Director of Information Infrastructure at the Digital Economy ANO, which is involved in the national project of the same name.

Sergey Minkin
Head of Judicial Protection, Legal Department, Sberbank

Vladimir Utkin
Legal Director, "T Plus"
Vladimir Utkin. Director for Legal Affairs of PJSC T Plus.
Vladimir graduated from Syktyvkar State University (1999), completed the Executive Master of Management in Law program of the Higher School of Economics (2018).
More than 22 years of professional legal activity in energy companies, 17 years – as an executive.
Since 2009 he has been working in T Plus focusing on development of efficient legal service which structure, quality and effectiveness should be resistant to influence of environment, corporate, production and other factors. The result is confirmed – the legal team has more than once been recognized the best in the industry.
Since April 2020 he has been heading the legal service of T Plus (480 lawyers, 16 regions).
He is one of the authors and heads of the legal function optimization project which resulted in organizational and functional reforming of legal subdivisions, creation in 2017 of unprecedented shared services legal center and major improvement of legal work.
Speaker and participant of discussion platforms focused on development, informatization of the legal function and managing efficiency of legal work.
In 2021 he was recognized “The Leader of the Year” by virtue of the Corporate Counsel Association award “Success. Best Corporate Counsel of the Year”.
Vladimir graduated from Syktyvkar State University (1999), completed the Executive Master of Management in Law program of the Higher School of Economics (2018).
More than 22 years of professional legal activity in energy companies, 17 years – as an executive.
Since 2009 he has been working in T Plus focusing on development of efficient legal service which structure, quality and effectiveness should be resistant to influence of environment, corporate, production and other factors. The result is confirmed – the legal team has more than once been recognized the best in the industry.
Since April 2020 he has been heading the legal service of T Plus (480 lawyers, 16 regions).
He is one of the authors and heads of the legal function optimization project which resulted in organizational and functional reforming of legal subdivisions, creation in 2017 of unprecedented shared services legal center and major improvement of legal work.
Speaker and participant of discussion platforms focused on development, informatization of the legal function and managing efficiency of legal work.
In 2021 he was recognized “The Leader of the Year” by virtue of the Corporate Counsel Association award “Success. Best Corporate Counsel of the Year”.

Vadim Fedorov
Deputy Minister of Justice of the Russian Federation

Yulia Kharitonova
Professor of the Department of Entrepreneurial Law, Faculty of Law, Lomonosov Moscow State University
Doctor of Law, Professor.
Graduated with honors from the Faculty of Law of Lomonosov Moscow State University in 1997.
In 2011 she successfully defended her dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Science in the specialty 12.00.03 - civil law, business law, family law, private international law. The topic of the dissertation is "Reflection of the management function in the institutions of civil law". Since 2017. Y. Kharitonova is a professor at the Department of Business Law.
She is a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Arbitration Court of Moscow; a member of the Commission of the Moscow Regional Branch of the All-Russian Public Organization "Association of Lawyers of Russia" on legal regulation of economic activity; a member of the Expert Council of the Association of Russian Banks on the legal regulation of digital technologies. Arbitrator of the ICAC under the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation.
Graduated with honors from the Faculty of Law of Lomonosov Moscow State University in 1997.
In 2011 she successfully defended her dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Science in the specialty 12.00.03 - civil law, business law, family law, private international law. The topic of the dissertation is "Reflection of the management function in the institutions of civil law". Since 2017. Y. Kharitonova is a professor at the Department of Business Law.
She is a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Arbitration Court of Moscow; a member of the Commission of the Moscow Regional Branch of the All-Russian Public Organization "Association of Lawyers of Russia" on legal regulation of economic activity; a member of the Expert Council of the Association of Russian Banks on the legal regulation of digital technologies. Arbitrator of the ICAC under the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation.

Mikhail Shalumov
Deputy Head of Department - Head of Division for Systematisation of Legislation and Analysis of Judicial Practice in Criminal Matters, Department for Systematisation of Legislation and Analysis of Judicial Practice, Supreme Court of the Russian Federation

Ayaz Baetov
Minister of Justice of the Kyrgyz Republic

Regina Karimova
Director of Judicial and Analytical Work Directorate of Legal Department, Russian Copper Company