Improving Legislation and State Regulation of Legally Mandatory Bidding Processes: Russian and Global Experience
Pavilion F, conference hall F1
At the present stage, the institute of bidding has become very important for the economy overall. Bidding has become a standard form of state and municipal participation in economic affairs, ensuring equal access of all potential participants to public property and public finances. However, even the fields where the transactions parties are exclusively private entities, tenders are also becoming increasingly popular, being a tool to improve the efficiency of transactions. In this regard, Russia sees a rapid development of legal tender regulation in sectoral legislation: land, forest and water legislation, legislation on subsoil resources, and so on. One of the main tasks for ensuring equal access to state (municipal) property and other associated rights is the introduction of a single procedure for conducting tenders and the participation of entrepreneurs in such tenders in a single digital environment. During the session, the panellists will consider key issues related to the development of state regulation of bidding, which is mandatory by law in the current economic environment.
Gennady Magazinov
Deputy Head, Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Russian Federation (FAS Russia)
Irina Akimova
Partner, BGP Litigation
Elena Volkova
Minister of the Government of the Moscow Region for Competition Policy
Ricardo Medeiros de Castro
Deputy Chief Economist, Administrative Council for Economic Defense of the Federative Republic of Brazil - CADE (online)
Anna Katamadze
Deputy Head, Federal Treasury
Artem Molchanov
Deputy Government of the Yaroslavl Region
Konstantin Pikhtin
Executive Director, Sberbank-AST
Andrey Stepanenko
General Director, Managing Partner, Founder, Auction House of the Russian Federation

Gennady Magazinov
Deputy Head, Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Russian Federation (FAS Russia)

Irina Akimova
Partner, BGP Litigation
Irina has been specialising on the application of antimonopoly, advertising and procurement laws for 20 years. She possesses extensive experience in the implementation of projects involving antimonopoly audits, introducing antimonopoly compliance systems, dealer and distributor relationships, anti-competition agreements, economic concentration, etc. Before joining BGP Litigation, Irina was the head of antitrust practices at major Russian law firms and had worked at the Russian Federal Antimonopoly Service for 8 years. Irina is an Associate Professor at the Specialised FAS of Russia Department with the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation. She teaches Competition Law at the Lomonosov Moscow State University and has authored several books and numerous research and practice-oriented publications on antimonopoly regulations. She chairs the General Council of the Association of Antitrust Experts and sits on the Public Council under the FAS of Russia. She is listed in the Chambers Europe, Best Lawyers, Pravo.Ru-300 and Kommersant rankings.

Elena Volkova
Minister of the Government of the Moscow Region for Competition Policy

Ricardo Medeiros de Castro
Deputy Chief Economist, Administrative Council for Economic Defense of the Federative Republic of Brazil - CADE

Anna Katamadze
Deputy Head, Federal Treasury

Artem Molchanov
Deputy Government of the Yaroslavl Region

Konstantin Pikhtin
Executive Director, Sberbank-AST

Andrey Stepanenko
General Director, Managing Partner, Founder, Auction House of the Russian Federation
Works in the field of management and public property sales since 1994. Since the establishment in 2009 leads The Auction house of the Russian Federation, JSC -— the Russian auction marketplace for the sale of the public and private property by the means of classical and electronic trading (created by the Government of Russian Federation №1186-r dated 19.08.2009). Company holds auctions within the framework of the federal and regional privatization and auctions that sell movable property released by the Ministry of the Defence of Russian Federation. The Auction house of the Russian Federation, JSC was selected by the Russian Government to conduct the electronic trading within the confines of the privatization. Previously, for over than 9 years, Andrey Stepanenko headed the Property Fund of St. Petersburg - a regional auction platform for the sale of the state property of St. Petersburg. Earlier led the Petrograd and Vyborg district agencies of the Management Committee of the property of St. Petersburg (Russia). For labor achievements and the implementation of the procedure of public auctions in the Russian Federation was awarded with the medal "For Service to the Motherland» of the second degree. Candidate of Economic Sciences. He was born in Leningrad, graduated from the St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance (Russia).