Youth Forum
28 June 2022
Relevant Issues in Notarial Activity
Congress Centre, conference hall B1
The emergence of market relations and the establishment of a class of owners has necessitated the development of legal instruments safeguarding property and protecting the rights and interests of business entities. The registration of inheritance rights has traditionally fallen within the purview of the notary. The term ‘estate planning’ was coined to refer to a set of measures aimed at creating an optimal order of transfer of estate by the testator to successors. Few people think about what will happen to their property when they die, but doing so would eliminate many of the problems that heirs encounter when exercising their inheritance rights. What is estate planning? Is it possible to preserve business assets and prevent disputes between heirs? How effective is estate planning in today’s environment? What legal tools are actively employed in notarial practice for estate planning? Another relevant issue besides the transfer of property to successors and the formalising of rights of heirs is the use of the notary’s public deposit account as a legal instrument to enforce obligations, both in transactions and otherwise. On the one hand, each party involved in a transaction is happy to have a reliable method of settlement that will help to settle a transaction safely and quickly. On the other hand, there are bona fide participants in civil law transactions who intend to fulfil an obligation but are constrained by external factors. Is the notary’s deposit account fully capable of meeting these needs? What special features distinguish the legal regime for a notary’s public deposit account? What is the settlement procedure for remote transactions among others? How is an obligation to a debtor discharged using a notary’s deposit account?
Business Culture in the SCO: A Lawyer’s Guide
Congress Centre, conference hall B2
Experts will join students from St. Petersburg State University at this roundtable to discuss relevant issues related to legal support for business in the PRC and SCO member states. Up for particular consideration will be problems with regulating cross-border e-commerce in the PRC, the role of Russian trade missions in supporting Russian business in the PRC and SCO member states, legal support for foreign organizations in the PRC, and some particular features of regulating mergers and acquisitions involving foreign legal entities in the PRC.
Elena Sychenko
Sport Arbitration and Federative Jurisdiction: In Search of a Fair System of Dispute Resolution
Congress Centre, conference hall B3
The established system of dispute resolution in sport today is based on arbitration (international and national) and jurisdictional bodies of federations and organizations. The Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) has firmly established itself as the authority to which international sports federations, organizations, and sports entities from various national legal orders entrust their disputes. Alongside the multi-sport CAS, there exists a special arbitration tribunal for basketball – the Basketball Arbitration Tribunal (BAT). National sport arbitration systems are also currently under development. For example, since 2021, the National Centre for Sports Arbitration (NCSA), which has been charged with resolving individual labour disputes among other things, has been providing its services to sports entities in the Russian Federation. In addition to arbitration, international, continental, and national sports federations have established jurisdictional bodies to deal with a range of disputes between sub-jurisdictional entities including: disciplinary and ethical, contractual, those related to admission to competition, membership in a federation, and others. Russian sports federations find themselves at different stages of creating their own dispute resolution systems, including the aforementioned national arbitration system. The creation of a procedural framework for dispute resolution has been left to the discretion of the sports federations under which the jurisdictional bodies or arbitral tribunals have been established, though subject to the requirements of national law at the place of the relevant authority. Public policy obliges federations and arbitral tribunals to respect the particular features of the private law process in the establishment of regulations for resolving disputes. Is this sufficient cause for considering the demands of due process and natural justice to have been met by sports legislation enforcement agencies? What is the necessary minimum level of guarantees, and is it possible to define such guarantees for the entities involved in the resolution of sports disputes within the Russian system of justice? Is it realistic to expect effective independence, objectivity, and impartiality on the part of arbitrators adjudicating disputes in sport? Should the jurisdictional bodies of Russian federations and the national sports arbitration tribunal adjudicate disputes ex aequo et bono? And finally, what should authorities and guarantees of a fair system of dispute resolution for sport in Russia look like?
Ilya Vasiliev
The Legal Model of the Circular Economy
Congress Centre, conference hall B4
One of the most important factors in achieving sustainable development goals, ensuring environmental security, and building a circular economy within the country is the development and implementation of an effective legal model for the regulation of environmental relations and related economic incentives and mechanisms. To this end, domestic environmental legislation has been substantially modernized in recent years as part of the implementation of waste management reform and the updating of legislation based on the response to major man-made accidents that have occurred. These changes have resonated widely and generated much discussion in the business, expert, and scientific communities. The most controversial of these issues include the introduction of expanded responsibility on the part of producers and importers for product waste disposal and other innovations in the process of building a circular economy under the Federal Act on Industrial and Consumer Waste and the December 2021 amendment to the Federal Act on Environmental Protection to isolate funds raised from environmental charges and administrative fines for environmental offences. These legal and economic measures aimed at protecting the environment are new to the environmental legislation of the Russian Federation, and the positive and negative aspects of their introduction and the implementation mechanism need to be analyzed in detail.
Anton Khoroshavin
Ekaterina Shalunova
International Public Law in the Cyber Era: New Norms, Actors, and Approaches
Congress Centre, conference hall D1
International law is undergoing major changes to its substance and structure as a result of the spread of information technology to all areas of society. A trend towards deformalization and the so-called privatization of international law-making, the increasing presence of corporations, the use of computer technology to influence and interfere in the affairs of other states, and other manifestations of the growing influence of information technology on public international law require a rethinking of the traditional approach to the application of legal rules and the role of various actors in the new cyber-reality. The impact of information technology on the fundamentals of public international law has been multifaceted. This session will look at a wide range of issues, including international legal regulation of the obligations of corporations controlling global social networks and digital platforms; individual and collective state responses to ‘cyber-operations’ or ‘cyber-attacks’; the role of regional trade agreements in the development of the digital economy; and the extraterritorial application of international human rights conventions in the digital environment.
Vera Rusinova
Youth, Lawmaking, New Initiatives
Congress Centre, conference hall E11
In an era of globally changing conditions, a rapid response from the state and timely changes in legislation are needed, and young people also have their own views on this. Students of Lomonosov Moscow State University Law School, members of the Lomonosov Moscow State University Law School’s Student Union of Legislative Initiatives, and partners will discuss legislative changes in youth policy and share their experiences in preparing lawmaking initiatives while drawing attention to problems related to employment for young professionals and proposing new initiatives for the career development of future graduates on the example of pharmaceutical law.
Louise Fazlyeva
Alexander Shchelkanov
The Digital Transformation of Negotiation Procedures Based on Mediation
Congress Centre, conference hall D4
To effectively resolve disputes, there must be a procedure in place, and it must be regulated and accompanied by technological tools and conducted in accordance with the laws of the day. This section invites you to discuss mediation via special Internet services. The focus will be on challenges faced when implementing projects of this kind, the advantages of such platforms, the risks inherent in the technological advancement of the procedure, how to minimize risks, and how the market reacts to such proposals.
Eugenia Vaskova
Youth Legal Community and the Role It Plays in Development of Russia’s Electoral Infrastructure
Congress Centre, conference hall B1
Russia today is a democratic state governed by the rule of law with an intrinsic process of civil society development. One of the important areas of civil society development and electoral infrastructure improvement in the country is public observation. Unrestricted by the interests of a candidate or party, public observation is now called to assist in the fulfilment of citizens’ electoral rights. The activity of public observers contributes to the adherence to provide equal rights to all participants in the electoral process. Today, the involvement of young people in the observation process is an effective tool for the formation of their civic position. Public observation allows the participants to plunge directly into the electoral processes. As a consequence, it leads to implementation of constitutional rights, stimulates the prevention of unconventional forms of youth participation in political life, and at the same time develops legal awareness and legal literacy among young people. Experts participating in the session will focus on the topical issues of socio-political development of the country, such as public observation at the elections, as well as the instruments to involve youth legal community in the electoral infrastructure of Russia. Questions for discussion:
• Vectors of electoral system development in the Russian Federation;
• Forms and ways of involving young people in the country's electoral infrastructure;
• The role of public observation in elections in Russia;
• Latest innovations in the electoral legislation;
• Prevention of unconventional forms of political participation of young people.
• Vectors of electoral system development in the Russian Federation;
• Forms and ways of involving young people in the country's electoral infrastructure;
• The role of public observation in elections in Russia;
• Latest innovations in the electoral legislation;
• Prevention of unconventional forms of political participation of young people.
Alena Bulgakova
Legal Gaps: Legislative Mistakes or Something Unavoidable?
Congress Centre, conference hall B2
There’s a great deal of activity taking place in lawmaking in the world today. The adoption of new laws is justified by the importance of legal development in the era of digitalisation, the modernisation of technology, the emergence of new transferable items, the increasing complexity of relations, or economic trends, and therefore by the need to eliminate legal contradictions and gaps. There has been an exponential increase in regulation at the level of secondary legislation and in the number of technical regulations. But does this really mean that the scope of the norms adopted is directly proportional to existing and emerging legal gaps? How important are legal and statutory analogy and general and sectoral legal principles in the application of the law? Will technological regulation and the free flow of technology rights eventually supplant law as a priority social regulator in the digital environment? What role do courts play in filling legal gaps? Is there a formula for success in understanding and applying the law in practice? The discussion, which is a continuation of SPILF’s well-established series of Alekseyevskoye Legacy Project events, will look to discuss basic approaches to understanding legal gaps and how to fill them and identify effective models for interpreting and applying norms in today’s world.
Health Preservation in a Time of Global Challenges: Human Right or Obligation?
Congress Centre, conference hall B3
The most important task facing a social state, one stipulated by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, is public healthcare. The emergence of new, poorly studied infectious diseases endangering the wider public, such as COVID-19, has laid bare the social essence of the Russian State. However, during this period, the State has come up against massive public resistance to preventive measures implemented in accordance with Russian legislation in the belief that the measures were excessively harsh. Why were initial restrictive measures met with such hostility? Does a dangerous new infection justify such measures, are they logical, and do they accord with Russian legislation and the centuries of experience collected by the Russian State. Most citizens are unaware of their obligations before sanitary legislation and the health, hygiene, and education of their children. They are unaware that they are forbidden from engaging in actions that would endanger the health of other citizens and a favourable living environment. What responsibility do people bear for their health? Do people, especially young people, understand the moral obligations they bear for their own health as it pertains to the health of their families and the public health of future generations? Must this responsibility be legislated in the public’s interest, with an understanding of how it forms the basis for the sovereignty and security of the State?
Igor Akulin
Oleg Vavilov
Ekaterina Chesnokova
The Development of Youth Entrepreneurship in Law Universities and Faculties
Congress Centre, conference hall B4
The role of youth entrepreneurship in youth policy has increased in the current environment. The foresight session will seek to develop effective practices for engaging youth in entrepreneurship. What can we do to increase the number of student start-ups? What support measures are needed to further develop youth entrepreneurship in law universities and faculties? What entrepreneurial competencies should be emphasised? The plan is to send the summary document to the relevant department of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation for future application.
Anton Zhurkov
Andrey Petrakov
Participation of Young Humans Rights Defenders in Protecting the Interests of Compatriots
Congress Centre, conference hall B1
At the present time, most Russians living abroad face various problems related to unfair and aggressive attitudes towards them, members of their family, and other factors. What can young lawyers do to get involved to support and protect the rights of their compatriots? What legal tools can be used to counteract chauvinism directed against Russians? This session will also address the participation of young professionals in the international humanitarian project ‘For the Rights of Compatriots’, which aims to provide comprehensive legal and psychological support to our fellow citizens and compatriots who have been subjected to various forms of discrimination.
Elena Spiridonova
Creating a Unified System of Public Authority in the Russian Federation: Status and Outlook
Congress Centre, conference hall B2
The constitutional reform of 2020 introduced a ‘unified system of public authority’ category to constitutional law. The category has already served as the basis for a number of legislative acts, including the federal laws ‘On the State Council of the Russian Federation’ and ‘On the General Principles of the Organization of Public Power in the Constituent Entities of the Russian Federation’. Legislation regulating the organization of local government will soon be updated as well. The speed with which the legislative changes governing the organization of public power in Russia have been implemented, however, demand reflection on the ongoing reforms, both conceptually and practically. Does the ‘public authority’ category differ fundamentally from that of ‘state power’? What constitutional and legal aspects govern interaction between the different levels of public authority? Is the current reform driving a qualitative transformation of federal relations in Russia? What role does local self-government play in the unified system of public power? Should any changes be made to the approaches taken to the legislative regulation of the unified system of public power?
Alexander Larichev
The Social Value of Legal Clinics
Congress Centre, conference hall B3
The agenda focuses primarily on the work of legal clinics as independent entities providing free legal aid in present-day conditions. The section will examine problems related to interaction between legal clinics, government agencies, and community organizations. There is a need for a discussion of the Three University Missions as they pertain to legal clinics, hence the title of the Forum section. Legal clinics play a significant role in the interaction that takes place between the university and society. At the same time, a discussion also needs to take place around standardizing and evaluating the quality and effectiveness of the socially significant legal assistance provided by legal clinics.
Vyacheslav Nizamov
Russia’s Sustainable Development: Current Challenges and Visions of the Future
Congress Centre, conference hall B4
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development was adopted by the UN General Assembly in 2015. This is a far-reaching plan of sweeping transformation, including 17 interrelated goals and objectives in the field of sustainable development. For Russia, achieving these goals within the new system of geopolitical coordinates is more relevant than ever. This requires joint efforts of authorities, business, and civil society. Questions for discussion:
• constitutional model of sustainable development;
• innovative jurisprudence as part of sustainable development;
• environmental security as part of sustainable development;
• information and digital security of Russia within the new political system;
• interaction of people, society, state, and business for sustainable development under current social and economic conditions;
• education and employment of young people as a factor of sustainable development under current socio-economic conditions.
• constitutional model of sustainable development;
• innovative jurisprudence as part of sustainable development;
• environmental security as part of sustainable development;
• information and digital security of Russia within the new political system;
• interaction of people, society, state, and business for sustainable development under current social and economic conditions;
• education and employment of young people as a factor of sustainable development under current socio-economic conditions.
Maria Lipchanskaya
From Hype to Everyday Life: Is There a Future for NFT Outside the Arts?
Congress Centre, conference hall D1
The hype around NFT peaked in 2020 and only made its way to lawyers a year later. The phenomenon has been the subject of much discussion, but no clear development trajectory has been announced. A great many areas are gaining momentum with non-fungible tokens, but how legally clear the transactions are remains unanswered. Is it possible to legally regulate ownership on the basis of NFTs, and what legal transactions should be possible? What markets await NFT outside the arts? What legal initiatives exist around the world?
Maxim Proksch
The Private Law Paradigm in the Digital Age: The Innovative Potential of Youth
Congress Centre, conference hall D2
The wide-spread implementation of digital technologies has ushered in global changes in all spheres of public life. Their effect has been the greatest and can best be seen, however, in economic turnover in so much as it affects the interests of the state and its relations with other states as well as the interests of large and medium-sized entrepreneurs operating on a supranational level. The federal Digital Regulatory Framework project, implemented as part of the national Digital Economy project, requires private legal mechanisms to be adapted to the new economic realities. Digitalization is affecting all areas of private law to a greater or lesser extent, and this event will seek to discuss a wide range of issues, including the following:
• Trends and the need to regulate financial investment and sharing platforms in Russia: a market perspective.
• The use of platform technologies in the financial market, crowdsourcing and commoditization of financial services.
• Digital assets and the tokenization of classical financial instruments as a prerequisite for the implementation of decentralized finance in the stream of commerce.
• Imperfections in the legal regulation of cryptocurrencies and key areas of focus for their market development in the current economic environment.
• Digital assets and hybrid financial instruments as a new object of civil law.
• The development of modern contract law in the context of the digital transformation of the economy: new contractual models and constructions.
• Trends and the need to regulate financial investment and sharing platforms in Russia: a market perspective.
• The use of platform technologies in the financial market, crowdsourcing and commoditization of financial services.
• Digital assets and the tokenization of classical financial instruments as a prerequisite for the implementation of decentralized finance in the stream of commerce.
• Imperfections in the legal regulation of cryptocurrencies and key areas of focus for their market development in the current economic environment.
• Digital assets and hybrid financial instruments as a new object of civil law.
• The development of modern contract law in the context of the digital transformation of the economy: new contractual models and constructions.
Tatiana Yatsenko
Sanctions and Civics
Congress Centre, conference hall E11
In the current environment, Russian and foreign market participants are experiencing a crisis in economic relations. The unprecedented nature of the restrictive measures introduced (sanctions and counter-sanctions) entails serious changes to the surrounding economic landscape: disruptions to supply chains, increased complexity in relations with counterparties, and rising prices for capital, materials, and equipment. All of this affects the overall ability to do business in such challenging times and, in particular, the ability to execute contracts on previous terms. This session will discuss the impact of sanctions restrictions on contractual obligations, the possibility of their adaptation or termination, and issues related to liability for failure to perform contractual obligations as a result of sanctions restrictions.
Andrey Pavlov
The Importance of Community Work in a Young Lawyer’s Career
Congress Centre, conference hall B1
Session speakers will discuss problems pertaining to legal education and issues of professional development. Special attention will be paid to law enforcement practices and socially significant legal projects. Leaders of the young lawyer movement will share their personal experiences and discuss the role of public activity in the development of legal skills. How does community work benefit a lawyer? What topical projects might be of interest to young lawyers? How can community work help with career development?
Elena Spiridonova
Being a Prosecutor: What Does One Study in Law School?
On the 300th Anniversary of the Russian Prosecutor’s Office
Congress Centre, conference hall B2
The session will give an overview as to what the job of a prosecutor is really about. The discussion will focus on the necessary qualities (both personal and professional) as well as the requirements for candidates wishing to work in the prosecutor's office today. How did you decide to connect your life with law? Was it easy to receive a law degree? What was the secret of successful education, from your point of view? How did you choose your professional path in the prosecutor's office? What challenges did you face at the beginning of your career? What was the key to a successful career in the prosecutor's office? Why do you think working in the prosecutor's office is important today? And why should it be chosen by those who receive a degree in law? What does the prosecutor's office (as an employer) expect from candidates? What is the work experience of young prosecutors? What should you pay attention to at the beginning of your career? What other advice would you give to young law practitioners?
Andrey Tuzov
The Role of Young Lawyers in Strengthening the Position of Russian Legal Education Abroad
Congress Centre, conference hall B4
Some 1,000 students have returned to Russia as a result of sanctions. Additionally, many of those who left to study abroad have decided to return temporarily and pursue their studies online from Russia. However, millions of Russian students, including future lawyers, continue to study abroad. Furthermore, due to the difficult geopolitical situation, most universities are launching new international educational programmes in new areas. This session will discuss support for student projects and events, as well as proposals for strengthening the position of Russian legal education in the international educational space. The discussion will be attended by experts, law school student and government leaders.
Stanislav Shagarov
Betting on Creativity: What is the State Doing for the Creative Industries?
Congress Centre, conference hall D1
The creative economy has been one of Russia’s most successful sectors. In spite of this, the sector currently lacks positive legal regulation and an unambiguous approach to classifying industries as creative, to the degree of permissible legal influence on the relations associated with them, and a balanced system of state support, although special legal acts have recently been passed outlining further steps for strengthening and developing the sphere: Presidential Decree No. 808 dated 24.12.2014 approving the Fundamentals of State Cultural Policy, the Concept for the Development of the Creative Industries and Mechanisms for Implementing State Support in Large and Major Urban Agglomerations until 2030, approved by Russian Government Order No. 2613-r dated 20.09.2021, and departmental regulations. All of these documents envisage changes to legislation and, as a consequence, to law enforcement practice in the relationship between the authorities and creative entrepreneurs, participants of the creative industries among themselves, as well as with contractors and creative product consumers. Which areas can be considered part of the creative industries, and how do new ones emerge? What legal support have SMEs already received, and what awaits the creative economy in the days to come? What is the outlook for the field, and what is the reason for all the hype? Is the protection of intellectual property taking on increased importance?
Ekaterina Chukovskaya
Virtual Worlds, Actual Issues: Digital Law and Cybersecurity in the Context of the Gaming Industry
Congress Centre, conference hall D2
Legal issues unified under the title of ‘digital law’ are widely discussed in a wide variety of very serious contexts. At the same time, the gaming industry has already gained a foothold in the market and in the hearts of users, demonstrating that games are no longer a subculture but an important part of the contemporary media environment. The game industry is one of the first (if not the first) to put new technological phenomena to the test – from the simple transferable digital objects that appeared in multiplayer games in the mid-90s, the artificial intelligence that has accompanied the gaming industry since its inception, and virtual and augmented reality technologies, to blockchain and NFT. In addition, as a media type, games are also a space where different narratives collide with soft power, which means games need to be included in discussions about the limits of free speech, credibility of information, and child protection. Incidentally, games themselves are in some fundamental ways similar to law – both phenomena are based on formally defined rules and their action in relation to other parties. The legal dimension of computer games is a kind of ‘playground’ for regulatory action, and examining these issues is necessary if we hope to develop a balanced approach to regulating the domestic gaming industry.
Most people come into contact with digital law in their daily lives, though the legal encounters, which concern many online and digital service-related activities, usually take place without the user’s knowledge. Cybercrime, privacy offences, and other events of a similar nature are becoming more and more frequent with the transition of services and opportunities to the digital environment. It has therefore become quite important that we educate and promote digital law, the digital transformation of legal work, and training for lawyers in information technology.
Central topics:
• Gaming as an object of legal relations: the result of intellectual activity, information, Internet services, and natural obligations.
• Transferable digital objects in historical and contemporary computer games: what useful lessons can be learned for regulation?
• The legal classification of transactions and other legally significant actions by users of multiplayer computer games and the limits on intervention of exercisable rights.
• Artificial intelligence in games: the relationship to a modern understanding of artificial intelligence in the technological and legal dimension.
• Information security in games in a narrow and broad sense. The permissibility and limits of ‘fictional’ and ‘non-fictional’ information dissemination restriction provisions, taking into account the interactive nature of the games.
Most people come into contact with digital law in their daily lives, though the legal encounters, which concern many online and digital service-related activities, usually take place without the user’s knowledge. Cybercrime, privacy offences, and other events of a similar nature are becoming more and more frequent with the transition of services and opportunities to the digital environment. It has therefore become quite important that we educate and promote digital law, the digital transformation of legal work, and training for lawyers in information technology.
Central topics:
• Gaming as an object of legal relations: the result of intellectual activity, information, Internet services, and natural obligations.
• Transferable digital objects in historical and contemporary computer games: what useful lessons can be learned for regulation?
• The legal classification of transactions and other legally significant actions by users of multiplayer computer games and the limits on intervention of exercisable rights.
• Artificial intelligence in games: the relationship to a modern understanding of artificial intelligence in the technological and legal dimension.
• Information security in games in a narrow and broad sense. The permissibility and limits of ‘fictional’ and ‘non-fictional’ information dissemination restriction provisions, taking into account the interactive nature of the games.
Vladislav Arkhipov
Olga Binda
Plenary Session
Congress Centre, conference hall D1
Sergey Belov

Elena Sychenko
Associate Professor of the Department of Labor and Social Law, Scientific Supervisor of the Master's Educational Program "Transnational Legal Practice", St. Petersburg State University

Ilya Vasiliev
Associate Professor of the Department of Theory of State and Law, Scientific Supervisor of the Master's Program "Lawyer in the Field of Sports Law", St. Petersburg State University

Anton Khoroshavin
Associate Professor, Department of Legal Protection of the Environment, Faculty of Law, St. Petersburg State University

Ekaterina Shalunova
Senior Lecturer, Department of Environmental Safety and Sustainable Development of Regions, Curator of the Ecological Clinic, St. Petersburg State University

Vera Rusinova
Head of the Department of International Law, Faculty of Law, National Research University Higher School of Economics

Louise Fazlyeva
Chairman, Student Union of Legislative Initiatives of the Faculty of Law, Lomonosov Moscow State University; Member of the Expert Council on Lawmaking of the Youth Parliament under the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation

Alexander Shchelkanov
Deputy General Director, Vedomosti – St. Petersburg

Eugenia Vaskova
Director of the Mediation Center, St. Petersburg State University

Alena Bulgakova
Executive Director, Association "Independent Public Monitoring"; Member, Public Chamber of the Russian Federation; Chairman of the Youth Movement, Russian Bar Association

Igor Akulin
Head of the Department of Health Organization and Medical Law, St. Petersburg State University

Oleg Vavilov
Director of the Department of Civil Service and Personnel, Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation

Ekaterina Chesnokova
Associate Professor of the Department of Health Organization and Medical Law, St. Petersburg State University

Anton Zhurkov
Head of the Department for Extracurricular and Educational Work, Higher School of Law of Moscow State Law University named after O.E. Kutafin

Andrey Petrakov
Deputy Head of the Department of Entrepreneurial and Corporate Law, Moscow State Law University named after O.E. Kutafin; Co-Chairman of the Youth Movement, Association of Lawyers of Russia

Elena Spiridonova
Executive Director – Chief of Staff, Russian Bar Association; Member of the Public Council under the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation

Alexander Larichev
Deputy Dean for Research, Faculty of Law, National Research University Higher School of Economics

Vyacheslav Nizamov
Director of the Legal Clinic, St. Petersburg State University

Maria Lipchanskaya
Professor, Higher School of Law of the Institute of Public Administration and Management, Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation (RANEPA)
Maxim Proksch
Executive Director, Scientific and Educational Center for Intellectual Property and Digital Economy Digital IP; Advisor to the Chairman of the Board on Intellectual Property, Skolkovo Foundation

Tatiana Yatsenko
Head of the Department of Private Law, Faculty of Law, National Research University Higher School of Economics

Andrey Pavlov
Associate Professor of the Civil Law Department of the Law Faculty, St. Petersburg State University

Andrey Tuzov
Senior Lecturer, Department of Criminal Procedure and Criminalistics, St. Petersburg State University

Stanislav Shagarov
Director for Innovative Development, International Legal Education Center
Ekaterina Chukovskaya
Director, Scientific and Educational Center for Intellectual Property and Digital Economy Digital IP

Vladislav Arkhipov
Head of the Department of Theory and History of State and Law, St. Petersburg State University

Olga Binda
Deputy Editor-in-Chief, Russian Legal and Judicial Information Agency (RAPSI)

Sergey Belov
Dean of the Faculty of Law, St. Petersburg State University