Relevant Issues in Notarial Activity
Congress Centre, conference hall B1
The emergence of market relations and the establishment of a class of owners has necessitated the development of legal instruments safeguarding property and protecting the rights and interests of business entities. The registration of inheritance rights has traditionally fallen within the purview of the notary. The term ‘estate planning’ was coined to refer to a set of measures aimed at creating an optimal order of transfer of estate by the testator to successors. Few people think about what will happen to their property when they die, but doing so would eliminate many of the problems that heirs encounter when exercising their inheritance rights. What is estate planning? Is it possible to preserve business assets and prevent disputes between heirs? How effective is estate planning in today’s environment? What legal tools are actively employed in notarial practice for estate planning? Another relevant issue besides the transfer of property to successors and the formalising of rights of heirs is the use of the notary’s public deposit account as a legal instrument to enforce obligations, both in transactions and otherwise. On the one hand, each party involved in a transaction is happy to have a reliable method of settlement that will help to settle a transaction safely and quickly. On the other hand, there are bona fide participants in civil law transactions who intend to fulfil an obligation but are constrained by external factors. Is the notary’s deposit account fully capable of meeting these needs? What special features distinguish the legal regime for a notary’s public deposit account? What is the settlement procedure for remote transactions among others? How is an obligation to a debtor discharged using a notary’s deposit account?
Elena Karpova
Notary of the Notary Chamber of St. Petersburg
Ivan Sokolov
Notary of the Notary Chamber of St. Petersburg

Elena Karpova
Notary of the Notary Chamber of St. Petersburg

Ivan Sokolov
Notary of the Notary Chamber of St. Petersburg