Being a Prosecutor: What Does One Study in Law School?
On the 300th Anniversary of the Russian Prosecutor’s Office
Congress Centre, conference hall B2
The session will give an overview as to what the job of a prosecutor is really about. The discussion will focus on the necessary qualities (both personal and professional) as well as the requirements for candidates wishing to work in the prosecutor's office today. How did you decide to connect your life with law? Was it easy to receive a law degree? What was the secret of successful education, from your point of view? How did you choose your professional path in the prosecutor's office? What challenges did you face at the beginning of your career? What was the key to a successful career in the prosecutor's office? Why do you think working in the prosecutor's office is important today? And why should it be chosen by those who receive a degree in law? What does the prosecutor's office (as an employer) expect from candidates? What is the work experience of young prosecutors? What should you pay attention to at the beginning of your career? What other advice would you give to young law practitioners?
Andrey Tuzov
Senior Lecturer, Department of Criminal Procedure and Criminalistics, St. Petersburg State University
Viktor Melnik
Prosecutor of St. Petersburg
Andrey Reztsov
Prosecutor of the Department of Management, General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation
Nelli Solnyshkina
Head of the Directorate of the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation for the North-Western Federal District

Andrey Tuzov
Senior Lecturer, Department of Criminal Procedure and Criminalistics, St. Petersburg State University

Viktor Melnik
Prosecutor of St. Petersburg
Andrey Reztsov
Prosecutor of the Department of Management, General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation

Nelli Solnyshkina
Head of the Directorate of the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation for the North-Western Federal District