Betting on Creativity: What is the State Doing for the Creative Industries?
Congress Centre, conference hall D1
The creative economy has been one of Russia’s most successful sectors. In spite of this, the sector currently lacks positive legal regulation and an unambiguous approach to classifying industries as creative, to the degree of permissible legal influence on the relations associated with them, and a balanced system of state support, although special legal acts have recently been passed outlining further steps for strengthening and developing the sphere: Presidential Decree No. 808 dated 24.12.2014 approving the Fundamentals of State Cultural Policy, the Concept for the Development of the Creative Industries and Mechanisms for Implementing State Support in Large and Major Urban Agglomerations until 2030, approved by Russian Government Order No. 2613-r dated 20.09.2021, and departmental regulations. All of these documents envisage changes to legislation and, as a consequence, to law enforcement practice in the relationship between the authorities and creative entrepreneurs, participants of the creative industries among themselves, as well as with contractors and creative product consumers. Which areas can be considered part of the creative industries, and how do new ones emerge? What legal support have SMEs already received, and what awaits the creative economy in the days to come? What is the outlook for the field, and what is the reason for all the hype? Is the protection of intellectual property taking on increased importance?
Ekaterina Chukovskaya
Director, Scientific and Educational Center for Intellectual Property and Digital Economy Digital IP
Alina Akinshina
Co-founder, Chief Executive Officer, Online Patent
Ruslan Gatsalov
Founder, "ArtLaw" Center for Legal Protection of Creative Industries
Sergey Matveev
President, Federation of Intellectual Property
Natalia Sinitsyna
Patent attorney, practicing lawyer in the field of intellectual property
Ekaterina Chukovskaya
Director, Scientific and Educational Center for Intellectual Property and Digital Economy Digital IP

Alina Akinshina
Co-founder, Chief Executive Officer, Online Patent

Ruslan Gatsalov
Founder, "ArtLaw" Center for Legal Protection of Creative Industries

Sergey Matveev
President, Federation of Intellectual Property

Natalia Sinitsyna
Patent attorney, practicing lawyer in the field of intellectual property