From Hype to Everyday Life: Is There a Future for NFT Outside the Arts?
Congress Centre, conference hall D1
The hype around NFT peaked in 2020 and only made its way to lawyers a year later. The phenomenon has been the subject of much discussion, but no clear development trajectory has been announced. A great many areas are gaining momentum with non-fungible tokens, but how legally clear the transactions are remains unanswered. Is it possible to legally regulate ownership on the basis of NFTs, and what legal transactions should be possible? What markets await NFT outside the arts? What legal initiatives exist around the world?
Maxim Proksch
Executive Director, Scientific and Educational Center for Intellectual Property and Digital Economy Digital IP; Advisor to the Chairman of the Board on Intellectual Property, Skolkovo Foundation
Elena Avakyan
Vice President, The Russian Federal Bar Association
Anton Ivanov
Research Professor, Scientific and Educational Center for Intellectual Property and Digital Economy Digital IP; Academic Supervisor, Faculty of Law, National Research University Higher School of Economics
Irina Yakovleva
Deputy Chairman, Russian Center for the Circulation of Rights to the Results of Creative Activity
Maxim Proksch
Executive Director, Scientific and Educational Center for Intellectual Property and Digital Economy Digital IP; Advisor to the Chairman of the Board on Intellectual Property, Skolkovo Foundation

Elena Avakyan
Vice President, The Russian Federal Bar Association
Elena Avakyan is the Executive Director of the Non-Profit Partnership for Advancement of Corporate Law.
Since 2019, Elena has been a member of the Federal Chamber of Lawyers Council. Since 2018, she served on the Expert Council on Legislative Support for the Development of the Securities Market and Derivative Financial Instruments under the Committee of the State Duma for Financial Markets.
From 2006 to 2014, Elena served as the head of Control and Analytic Directorate at the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation. She was one of the ideologists of the e-justice project in Russia and one of its managers.
In 2004–2005, Elena was the chairwoman of the board of the National Association of Securities Market Participants. In 1999–2004, she was the head of Legal Control Service and vice president of Renaissance-Capital. Before that, she worked as a general counsel of the board of the St Petersburg Stock Exchange.
At various times, Elena served as a financial market legislation expert for the FAS of Russia and Ministry of Finance, corporate governance expert for the Ministry of Economic Development, expert for the State Duma Committee on Credit Organizations and Financial Markets and Council of the Federation Committee on Financial Markets and Money Circulation as well as an expert of the Property Committee of the RF State Duma, an assistant to the Committee chairperson and assistant to a deputy of the State Duma Committee on Constitutional Legislation and State-Building. Since 2011, she is a member of the working group on multi-purpose centers. She took part in the drafting of a concept of new civil legislation.
Elena is a member of all working groups at the Skolkovo competence centres in each of the focus areas of the Digital Economy national programme; she leads a small working group on the concept of an ‘electronic document’ within the Skolkovo working groups.
Since 2019, Elena has been a member of the Federal Chamber of Lawyers Council. Since 2018, she served on the Expert Council on Legislative Support for the Development of the Securities Market and Derivative Financial Instruments under the Committee of the State Duma for Financial Markets.
From 2006 to 2014, Elena served as the head of Control and Analytic Directorate at the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation. She was one of the ideologists of the e-justice project in Russia and one of its managers.
In 2004–2005, Elena was the chairwoman of the board of the National Association of Securities Market Participants. In 1999–2004, she was the head of Legal Control Service and vice president of Renaissance-Capital. Before that, she worked as a general counsel of the board of the St Petersburg Stock Exchange.
At various times, Elena served as a financial market legislation expert for the FAS of Russia and Ministry of Finance, corporate governance expert for the Ministry of Economic Development, expert for the State Duma Committee on Credit Organizations and Financial Markets and Council of the Federation Committee on Financial Markets and Money Circulation as well as an expert of the Property Committee of the RF State Duma, an assistant to the Committee chairperson and assistant to a deputy of the State Duma Committee on Constitutional Legislation and State-Building. Since 2011, she is a member of the working group on multi-purpose centers. She took part in the drafting of a concept of new civil legislation.
Elena is a member of all working groups at the Skolkovo competence centres in each of the focus areas of the Digital Economy national programme; she leads a small working group on the concept of an ‘electronic document’ within the Skolkovo working groups.

Anton Ivanov
Research Professor, Scientific and Educational Center for Intellectual Property and Digital Economy Digital IP; Academic Supervisor, Faculty of Law, National Research University Higher School of Economics

Irina Yakovleva
Deputy Chairman, Russian Center for the Circulation of Rights to the Results of Creative Activity