Creating a Unified System of Public Authority in the Russian Federation: Status and Outlook
Congress Centre, conference hall B2
The constitutional reform of 2020 introduced a ‘unified system of public authority’ category to constitutional law. The category has already served as the basis for a number of legislative acts, including the federal laws ‘On the State Council of the Russian Federation’ and ‘On the General Principles of the Organization of Public Power in the Constituent Entities of the Russian Federation’. Legislation regulating the organization of local government will soon be updated as well. The speed with which the legislative changes governing the organization of public power in Russia have been implemented, however, demand reflection on the ongoing reforms, both conceptually and practically. Does the ‘public authority’ category differ fundamentally from that of ‘state power’? What constitutional and legal aspects govern interaction between the different levels of public authority? Is the current reform driving a qualitative transformation of federal relations in Russia? What role does local self-government play in the unified system of public power? Should any changes be made to the approaches taken to the legislative regulation of the unified system of public power?
Alexander Larichev
Deputy Dean for Research, Faculty of Law, National Research University Higher School of Economics
Ruslan Aslanov
1st Year Student of the Master's Program in Public Law, National Research University Higher School of Economics
Elena Gritsenko
Professor of the Department of Constitutional Law, St. Petersburg State University
Vladimir Mazaev
Professor, Department of Public Law, National Research University Higher School of Economics
Yuliya Yaluner
Lecturer of the Department of Constitutional Law, Saint Petersburg State Universit

Alexander Larichev
Deputy Dean for Research, Faculty of Law, National Research University Higher School of Economics

Ruslan Aslanov
1st Year Student of the Master's Program in Public Law, National Research University Higher School of Economics

Elena Gritsenko
Professor of the Department of Constitutional Law, St. Petersburg State University

Vladimir Mazaev
Professor, Department of Public Law, National Research University Higher School of Economics

Yuliya Yaluner
Lecturer of the Department of Constitutional Law, Saint Petersburg State Universit