Ensuring the Sovereignty of Legal Compliance in the New Environment: Challenges and Opportunities
Congress Centre, conference hall B3
Russian companies have encountered a large number of new risks in recent years. These have manifested themselves particularly acutely in the form of sanctions, regulations put in place to counter sanctions, and numerous new developments and amendments that have appeared in Russian legislation over the past six months. Given the current period of political and economic turbulence, the already constantly changing fields of law and compliance are experiencing the impact of new challenges that require a rapid response. Compliance offers a key method for preventing legal risks, following as it does emerging risks and challenges. It then transforms in line with the requirements of the time and the needs of the corporate sector. Rapid adaptation to new developments in legal regulation pertaining to certain sectors (such as corporate law, tax law, etc.) is turning into an issue of paramount importance. Just as important, however, are fundamental changes to concepts of ethics and morality, and a departure from directly borrowing values from Western practices. How is compliance changing today? What best world practices can be applied taking into account the legal principles and mentality of the country's citizens?
Sergey Taut
Lawyer, Expert, Pepeliaev Group
Vitaly Belinsky
Adviser to the Office of the President on Combating Corruption, Presidential Executive Office of Russian Federation (online)
Veronika Kiseleva
Compliance Manager, SIBUR
Leida Lukyanova
Vice President of Business Ethics and Compliance, MTS
Alexander Pakhomov
Compliance Director, RUSAL
Beniamin Shakhnazarov
Professor of the Department of Private International Law, Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL)

Sergey Taut
Lawyer, Expert, Pepeliaev Group

Vitaly Belinsky
Adviser to the Office of the President on Combating Corruption, Presidential Executive Office of Russian Federation

Veronika Kiseleva
Compliance Manager, SIBUR

Leida Lukyanova
Vice President of Business Ethics and Compliance, MTS

Alexander Pakhomov
Compliance Director, RUSAL

Beniamin Shakhnazarov
Professor of the Department of Private International Law, Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL)
Shakhnazarov Beniamin Aleksandrovich, Doctor of the Science of Law, Professor of the Department of Private International Law and Department of Intellectual Property Rights, Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL), associate professor, Advocate of the Moscow Bar Association, member of the editorial boards and councils of scientific journals in the field of law (VAK): "Law and Digital Economy", "Law Enforcement Monitoring", Actual Problems of Russian Law, Lex Russica, member of the editorial association Council of Journals "Intellectual Property". Chairman of the organizing committee of the annual international interdisciplinary congress "Actual Problems of Private International Law/ Private International Law Issues";
Author of more than 130 academic publications, educational and methodical study guides.
In 2010 - dissertation for the degree of candidate of legal sciences on the topic "Legal regulation of relations on the cross-border transfer of rights to objects of industrial property".
In 2021 - dissertation for the degree of Doctor of legal sciences on the topic: "The system of legal regulation of cross-border relations in the field of industrial property"
Author of more than 130 academic publications, educational and methodical study guides.
In 2010 - dissertation for the degree of candidate of legal sciences on the topic "Legal regulation of relations on the cross-border transfer of rights to objects of industrial property".
In 2021 - dissertation for the degree of Doctor of legal sciences on the topic: "The system of legal regulation of cross-border relations in the field of industrial property"