Sustainable Development Law: The Russian Standard
Congress Centre, conference hall D4
In today's world, significant transformation is underway, causing widespread chaos. The concept of sustainable development could act as a balancing force to stabilize the international economic and environmental agenda. However, the Western-oriented infrastructure, inconsistent ratings and metrics, and politicization of the sustainable development agenda make it imperative to search for national and regional sustainable development priorities. In this regard, the right to sustainable development can and should be the key instrument. The President of the Russian Federation has defined benchmarks for sustainable development. Areas such as the technological development of the economy, ensuring environmental safety, spatial development of the country, and the implementation of social projects are essential in the context of sustainable development. How to optimize financial and non-financial disclosure practices in order to improve corporate social responsibility? How should Russian legislation on green taxonomy and circulation of carbon assets be developed? How to establish a national rating system? What industrial sector's request to the regulator should be taken into account? How are the financial and banking sectors being transformed by the sustainable development agenda? How to mitigate the negative effects of the sanctions policy on the environmental, economic, and technological sectors? These and other areas, evaluated through the prism of shaping the foundations of Russian law in the context of foreign and international regulatory developments, form the core of the Russian legal standard of sustainable development.
Maria Majorina
Vice-Rector for Strategic and International Development, Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL)
Irina Bakhtina
Sustainable Development Director, RUSAL
Oksana Gogunskaya
General Director, Kontur
Ekaterina Salugina-Sorokovaya
First Vice President, Gazprombank
Vladimir Senin
Member of the Committee of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on the Financial Market
Sergey Sitnikov
Partner, EMPP
Andrey Chukarin
Director of Expertise and Analytics, Smart MKD
Beniamin Shakhnazarov
Professor of the Department of Private International Law, Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL)
Nikita Yatsenko
Deputy Director of the Legal Department, Transneft

Maria Majorina
Vice-Rector for Strategic and International Development, Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL)
Mazhorina Mariya Viktorovna graduated with honors from the Moscow State Law Academy. Candidate of Legal Sciences, specialty 12.00.10. International Law; European Law. Associate Professor of the Department of International Private Law of the Kutafin State Law University. Honorary Worker of education of the Russian Federation. Vice-Rector for Strategic and International Development. Oversees the implementation of the Priority 2030 Program, in which Kutafin State Law University participates. Head of the Competence Center "Sustainable Development Law. ESG-standards". Co-author and editor of Russia's first textbook on the sustainable development law. Specialist in international law, private international law, legal support of international business, network law and digital platform law, international commercial law, sustainable development law. The author of more than 60 scientific papers, including monographs and textbooks. Has additional education in the field of sustainable development, project management, change management. The arbitrator of the Arbitration Center at RSPP.

Irina Bakhtina
Sustainable Development Director, RUSAL
Chief Sustainability Officer and Member of the Executive Team, RUSAL, one of the largest global producers of aluminium, including low carbon aluminum (LCA) marketed under ALLOW brand. Irina is an accomplished professional with a 30-year leadership experience in both public and private sectors varying from mass media, banking, fast moving consumer goods to metallurgy. She was instrumental to have set up such platforms as Digital, Low Carbon and Science-Based Economy Taskforce of the Foreign Investors Advisory Council (FIAC) under the auspices of the Russian Prime Minister, Sustainable Business Lab at SKOLKOVO Moscow School of Management, ‘Green Brands League’ under the auspices of the Russian Quality System (Roskachestvo), and Commission on Business Ethics of the Russian Managers Association. Irina chairs Sustainability and ESG Committee of the Russian Managers Association, Environment and Climate Committee of the National ESG Alliance, and is a Vice President Sustainability in the Russian Business Ethics Network.
Oksana Gogunskaya
General Director, Kontur

Ekaterina Salugina-Sorokovaya
First Vice President, Gazprombank
In 2006, Ekaterina graduated from the Law Faculty of the State University – Higher School of Economics.
Since 2006, she has worked in the Presidential State-Legal Directorate.
In 2014, she was appointed to the position of Adviser to the President of the Federal Notary Chamber on legislative work.
In 2015, she joined the State Corporation Deposit Insurance Agency as Deputy Director of the Department of Public Relations.
In 2016, she took the position of General Director of the International and Comparative Law Research Center.
In November 2017, she assumed the duties of the Acting Director of the Department for Financial and Bank Operations and Investment Development of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation.
In February 2018, she was appointed Director of the Department for Financial and Bank Operations and Investment Development of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation.
From February 2019 to March 2020 she was Director of the Department of Regulatory Policy of the Government of the Russian Federation.
From April 2020 to April 2021, she served as Director of the Department of International Law and Cooperation of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation.
Since April 2021 — General Director of the International and Comparative Law Research Center.
Ph.D. in Law.
Since 2006, she has worked in the Presidential State-Legal Directorate.
In 2014, she was appointed to the position of Adviser to the President of the Federal Notary Chamber on legislative work.
In 2015, she joined the State Corporation Deposit Insurance Agency as Deputy Director of the Department of Public Relations.
In 2016, she took the position of General Director of the International and Comparative Law Research Center.
In November 2017, she assumed the duties of the Acting Director of the Department for Financial and Bank Operations and Investment Development of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation.
In February 2018, she was appointed Director of the Department for Financial and Bank Operations and Investment Development of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation.
From February 2019 to March 2020 she was Director of the Department of Regulatory Policy of the Government of the Russian Federation.
From April 2020 to April 2021, she served as Director of the Department of International Law and Cooperation of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation.
Since April 2021 — General Director of the International and Comparative Law Research Center.
Ph.D. in Law.
Vladimir Senin
Member of the Committee of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on the Financial Market

Sergey Sitnikov
Partner, EMPP
Mr. Sitnikov has specialized in supporting climate projects, consulting on carbon markets, carbon trading and ESG since 2004. Sergey was actively involved in the work on the Russian federal and regional carbon regulations. In 2022 he participated in the work of the Article 6.4 Supervisory Body (COP27, Sharm El-Sheikh).
Mr. Sitnikov advised, among other things, major Russian and international companies on the implementation of climate projects in Russia and abroad, as well as the regulator on various issues of climate regulation.
Sergey Sitnikov is the author and co-author of a number of scientific researches and books (including "The Oxford Handbook of International Climate Change Law"; "Climate Change Liability. Transnational Law and Practice"; "Energy Law of Russia and Germany. Comparative Legal Studies"; "Trading in Air. Mitigating Climate Change Through the Carbon Markets"), as well as numerous practice-oriented articles on carbon regulation and ESG
Mr. Sitnikov advised, among other things, major Russian and international companies on the implementation of climate projects in Russia and abroad, as well as the regulator on various issues of climate regulation.
Sergey Sitnikov is the author and co-author of a number of scientific researches and books (including "The Oxford Handbook of International Climate Change Law"; "Climate Change Liability. Transnational Law and Practice"; "Energy Law of Russia and Germany. Comparative Legal Studies"; "Trading in Air. Mitigating Climate Change Through the Carbon Markets"), as well as numerous practice-oriented articles on carbon regulation and ESG

Andrey Chukarin
Director of Expertise and Analytics, Smart MKD

Beniamin Shakhnazarov
Professor of the Department of Private International Law, Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL)
Shakhnazarov Beniamin Aleksandrovich, Doctor of the Science of Law, Professor of the Department of Private International Law and Department of Intellectual Property Rights, Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL), associate professor, Advocate of the Moscow Bar Association, member of the editorial boards and councils of scientific journals in the field of law (VAK): "Law and Digital Economy", "Law Enforcement Monitoring", Actual Problems of Russian Law, Lex Russica, member of the editorial association Council of Journals "Intellectual Property". Chairman of the organizing committee of the annual international interdisciplinary congress "Actual Problems of Private International Law/ Private International Law Issues";
Author of more than 130 academic publications, educational and methodical study guides.
In 2010 - dissertation for the degree of candidate of legal sciences on the topic "Legal regulation of relations on the cross-border transfer of rights to objects of industrial property".
In 2021 - dissertation for the degree of Doctor of legal sciences on the topic: "The system of legal regulation of cross-border relations in the field of industrial property"
Author of more than 130 academic publications, educational and methodical study guides.
In 2010 - dissertation for the degree of candidate of legal sciences on the topic "Legal regulation of relations on the cross-border transfer of rights to objects of industrial property".
In 2021 - dissertation for the degree of Doctor of legal sciences on the topic: "The system of legal regulation of cross-border relations in the field of industrial property"

Nikita Yatsenko
Deputy Director of the Legal Department, Transneft