The Essence of Probation: Prerequisites for Achieving a Reduction in Recidivism
Congress Centre, conference hall B4
In February 2023, the Federal Law on Probation in the Russian Federation was signed, marking the first-ever establishment of a probation system. This system encompasses a range of measures applicable to convicts, individuals subject to other criminal-legal measures, as well as persons released from institutions where they had served sentences of compulsory work or imprisonment, and who may now find themselves in difficult life situations. The introduction, implementation, and attainment of socially significant outcomes relating to this probationary institution are crucial topics for discussion.
Eduard Petrov
Deputy Director, Head of Legal Programs Production Service, Russian Television and Radio Broadcasting Company (RTR)
Maria Butina
Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation (online)
Denis Vasiliev
Deputy Head, Federal Service for Labour and Employment
Alexander Vorontsov
Member, The Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation
Vsevolod Vukolov
Deputy Minister of Justice of the Russian Federation
Aleksey Girichev
Deputy Director, Federal Penitentiary Service (FPS of Russia)
Artem Zdunov
Head of the Republic of Mordovia
Alexey Melnikov
Member, Presidential Council for the Development of Civil Society and Human Rights
Sergey Nikityuk
Head, Academy of Law and Management of the Federal Penal Service of Russia
Arthur Parfenchikov
Head of the Republic of Karelia
Front row participants
Ekaterina Avdeeva
Head of the Expert Center on Criminal Law Policy and Execution of Judicial Acts, All-Russia Public Organization Delovaya Rossiya (Business Russia)
Maksim Arzamastsev
Associate Professor of the Department of Criminal Law of the Law Faculty, St. Petersburg State University
Alena Bulgakova
Executive Director, Association "Independent Public Monitoring"; Member, Public Chamber of the Russian Federation; Chairman of the Youth Movement, Russian Bar Association
Sergey Malikov
Deputy Director for Research, Russian Academy of Sciences
Alexander Chuchaev
Head of the Sector of Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure and Criminology, Russian Academy of Sciences

Eduard Petrov
Deputy Director, Head of Legal Programs Production Service, Russian Television and Radio Broadcasting Company (RTR)

Maria Butina
Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation

Denis Vasiliev
Deputy Head, Federal Service for Labour and Employment
In 1999 graduated from the Faculty of Economics of the Higher School of Economics. In 2001 got the master degree in the field of Public and Municipal Finances.
Between 2001 and 2004 worked in the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation. Since 2002 was a Head of the Division for Reforming and Modernization of Public Service in the Department of Public Service of the Ministry. Executive Secretary of the Working Group of the Governmental Commission for Optimization of Budgetary Transfers. Between 2004 and 2011 worked in the field of external economic activity, customs and logistics.
Between 2011 and 2014 worked in the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadaster and Cartography (Rosreestr). Since February 2013 – Deputy Head of Rosreestr.
Between 2014 and 2016 worked as an Adviser of the Director General, Head of the Division of Regional Development and Scaling of Best Practices, Deputy Director of the Department of Investment Climate Development in the Agency of the Strategic Innovations upon New Projects Promotion.
Since May 2016 – Deputy Head of Federal Service on Labour and Employment.
Between 2001 and 2004 worked in the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation. Since 2002 was a Head of the Division for Reforming and Modernization of Public Service in the Department of Public Service of the Ministry. Executive Secretary of the Working Group of the Governmental Commission for Optimization of Budgetary Transfers. Between 2004 and 2011 worked in the field of external economic activity, customs and logistics.
Between 2011 and 2014 worked in the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadaster and Cartography (Rosreestr). Since February 2013 – Deputy Head of Rosreestr.
Between 2014 and 2016 worked as an Adviser of the Director General, Head of the Division of Regional Development and Scaling of Best Practices, Deputy Director of the Department of Investment Climate Development in the Agency of the Strategic Innovations upon New Projects Promotion.
Since May 2016 – Deputy Head of Federal Service on Labour and Employment.

Alexander Vorontsov
Member, The Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation

Vsevolod Vukolov
Deputy Minister of Justice of the Russian Federation

Aleksey Girichev
Deputy Director, Federal Penitentiary Service (FPS of Russia)

Artem Zdunov
Head of the Republic of Mordovia
2000: Kazan State Financial and Economic Institute (KSFEI, now part of Kazan (Volga region) Federal University
Degree: Finance and Credit
2004: Postgraduate course at KSFEI
2011: Master's Degree from the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA) in State and Public Administration
2012, 2016, 2017: Advanced training courses at RANEPA in Managing Innovative Development of Industries and Regions, Managerial Skills: Developing Regional Teams, and Application of Flexible Project Management Methods in Russian Authorities.
Graduate of the first stage of the Management Personnel Pool for the Civil Service program (the so-called school of governors)
2005: PhD in Economics from KSFEI
Thesis: Capital Outflow in the System of Economic Security of Modern Russia
September 1996-October 1998: Deputy Chairman of the student trade union, Kazan State University of Economics and Finance
June 2000-March 2001: Insurance specialist and internal auditor at Industrial Insurance Company, Kazan
2004-2006: Lecturer, Department of Macroeconomics and Economic Theory, Kazan State Financial and Economic Institute
July 2006-May 2010: Deputy director for research, Center for Advanced Economic Research, the Academy of Sciences of Tatarstan
May 2010-October 2014: Deputy Minister of the Economy of Tatarstan
October 2014-February 2018: Minister of the Economy of Tatarstan
February 7, 2018-2020: Chairman of the Government of the Republic of Dagestan
November 18, 2020: Appointed Acting Head of the Republic of Mordovia by an executive order of President of Russia Vladimir Putin
Winner of the contest of the Academy of Sciences of Tatarstan for Best Scientist of 2009
Fluent in English
2009: International business English certificate from Cambridge University, United Kingdom
2000: Kazan State Financial and Economic Institute (KSFEI, now part of Kazan (Volga region) Federal University
Degree: Finance and Credit
2004: Postgraduate course at KSFEI
2011: Master's Degree from the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA) in State and Public Administration
2012, 2016, 2017: Advanced training courses at RANEPA in Managing Innovative Development of Industries and Regions, Managerial Skills: Developing Regional Teams, and Application of Flexible Project Management Methods in Russian Authorities.
Graduate of the first stage of the Management Personnel Pool for the Civil Service program (the so-called school of governors)
2005: PhD in Economics from KSFEI
Thesis: Capital Outflow in the System of Economic Security of Modern Russia
September 1996-October 1998: Deputy Chairman of the student trade union, Kazan State University of Economics and Finance
June 2000-March 2001: Insurance specialist and internal auditor at Industrial Insurance Company, Kazan
2004-2006: Lecturer, Department of Macroeconomics and Economic Theory, Kazan State Financial and Economic Institute
July 2006-May 2010: Deputy director for research, Center for Advanced Economic Research, the Academy of Sciences of Tatarstan
May 2010-October 2014: Deputy Minister of the Economy of Tatarstan
October 2014-February 2018: Minister of the Economy of Tatarstan
February 7, 2018-2020: Chairman of the Government of the Republic of Dagestan
November 18, 2020: Appointed Acting Head of the Republic of Mordovia by an executive order of President of Russia Vladimir Putin
Winner of the contest of the Academy of Sciences of Tatarstan for Best Scientist of 2009
Fluent in English
2009: International business English certificate from Cambridge University, United Kingdom

Alexey Melnikov
Member, Presidential Council for the Development of Civil Society and Human Rights

Sergey Nikityuk
Head, Academy of Law and Management of the Federal Penal Service of Russia

Arthur Parfenchikov
Head of the Republic of Karelia

Ekaterina Avdeeva
Head of the Expert Center on Criminal Law Policy and Execution of Judicial Acts, All-Russia Public Organization Delovaya Rossiya (Business Russia)

Maksim Arzamastsev
Associate Professor of the Department of Criminal Law of the Law Faculty, St. Petersburg State University

Alena Bulgakova
Executive Director, Association "Independent Public Monitoring"; Member, Public Chamber of the Russian Federation; Chairman of the Youth Movement, Russian Bar Association

Sergey Malikov
Deputy Director for Research, Russian Academy of Sciences

Alexander Chuchaev
Head of the Sector of Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure and Criminology, Russian Academy of Sciences