Non-Performance of a Contract or Fraud: The Problem of Qualification
Congress Centre, conference hall D3
Legislation and law enforcement practice does not sufficiently distinguish between fraud and non fulfilment of obligations set out under a deal. As a result, when there is a B2B or B2G contract in place, cases under article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation are often initiated only when there is reason to believe there is a deliberate unwillingness to fulfil an obligation. However, non fulfilment of contractual obligations is a fairly frequent occurrence, and the violated rights of the creditor can be quite effectively protected under civil law. Ultimately, this is at odds with the purpose of criminal law and the principle of economy of criminal repression. Criminal prosecution is a final measure used to protect the interests of society, and should not lead to the excessive criminalization of economic players. What are essentially economic-related disputes can carry with them the tinge of criminality. This can lead to law-enforcement bodies making unjustified intrusions into the way companies operate. It also weakens guarantees in relation to protecting the rights of entrepreneurs, erodes trust, and impedes business activity. Ultimately, this can have a negative impact on the business climate and hinder economic growth in Russia. How does the real social danger of fraud weigh up against the negative consequences of the widespread initiation of criminal cases under article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (whereby contractual obligations are not fulfilled in the course of business activities or corporate conflicts)? Are legislative changes required?
Vadim Zaripov
Head of Analytical Service, Pepeliaev Group
Ekaterina Avdeeva
Head, Expert Centre for Criminal Law Policy and Enforcement of Judicial Acts, All-Russia Public Organization Delovaya Rossiya (Business Russia)
Maksim Arzamastsev
Associate Professor of the Department of Criminal Law of the Law Faculty, St. Petersburg State University
Elena Artukh
Commissioner for the Protection of the Rights of Entrepreneurs in the Sverdlovsk Region
Danil Levchenko
Lecturer, Department of Taxes and Tax Administration, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
Nudel Stanislav
Head of the Department of Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure and Judicial Organization, Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation
Natalya Ryabova
Deputy Head of the Legal Expertise Centre of the Presidential Commissioner for the Protection of Entrepreneurs' Rights
Anton Stamplevsky
Commissioner for Entrepreneurs' Rights Protection in Tver Region
Roman Sharapov
Professor of the Department of Criminal Law, Criminology and Penitentiary Law, St. Petersburg Law Institute (Branch) of the University of the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation
Irina Shishko
Head of the Department of Entrepreneurial, Competition and Financial Law, Professor of the Department of Law of the Siberian Federal University
Front row participant
Anna Butyrina
Lawyer; Managing Partner, MSC Law

Vadim Zaripov
Head of Analytical Service, Pepeliaev Group

Ekaterina Avdeeva
Head, Expert Centre for Criminal Law Policy and Enforcement of Judicial Acts, All-Russia Public Organization Delovaya Rossiya (Business Russia)

Maksim Arzamastsev
Associate Professor of the Department of Criminal Law of the Law Faculty, St. Petersburg State University

Elena Artukh
Commissioner for the Protection of the Rights of Entrepreneurs in the Sverdlovsk Region

Danil Levchenko
Lecturer, Department of Taxes and Tax Administration, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

Nudel Stanislav
Head of the Department of Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure and Judicial Organization, Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation

Natalya Ryabova
Deputy Head of the Legal Expertise Centre of the Presidential Commissioner for the Protection of Entrepreneurs' Rights

Anton Stamplevsky
Commissioner for Entrepreneurs' Rights Protection in Tver Region

Roman Sharapov
Professor of the Department of Criminal Law, Criminology and Penitentiary Law, St. Petersburg Law Institute (Branch) of the University of the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation

Irina Shishko
Head of the Department of Entrepreneurial, Competition and Financial Law, Professor of the Department of Law of the Siberian Federal University

Anna Butyrina
Lawyer; Managing Partner, MSC Law