Space and the Economy of the Cosmos in the Context of Russia’s Sustainable Development
Pavilion F, conference hall F3
Today, space is more closely intertwined with political and economic factors than ever before. This can be seen from the number of issues related to space exploration that have not been resolved for more than half a century. That is in spite of efforts made by the global community to come to meaningful international agreements. Space-related activities are undergoing a period of commercialization. As a result, the number of actors in the field is growing at an uncontrolled rate. This is giving rise to the serious issue of space congestion, involving satellites of various purposes. Sometimes, unregistered mega constellations of satellites have been placed in low Earth orbit – a space that is a limited resource. This is because the necessary legal framework providing equal access to space for all interested parties is not in place. This solution could guarantee security in relation to space. For many countries, it has become crucial to preserve and strengthen state sovereignty by taking steps across a number of areas. These include determining new areas of policy in relation to international cooperation in the space sector, fostering public-private partnerships in the field, putting special regimes in place to promote space related activity, and finding new legal solutions for the use of space technology in the interests of socioeconomic development. What needs to be done to ensure that space does not become an arena of military confrontation? How can the regionalization and nationalization of space-related regulation be prevented? What specific and feasible steps need to be taken to improve international space law? What recommendations should be developed and submitted to legislative and government bodies to improve the national legal framework governing space-related activity and management approaches in the field?
Valeriy Sherin
Secretary of State – Deputy General Director, State Corporation for Space Activities
Jayakumar Venkatesan
Astropreneur; Chief Executive Officer, Valles Marineris International Private Limited; Chief Technology Officer, Synergy Moon
Dmitry Loskutov
General Director, Glavkosmos
Elena Matevosova
Member of the Expert Group on Space Resources, Space Council of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Associate Professor, Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL)
Irina Myslyaeva
Head of the Department of Economics and Management in the Space Industry, Faculty of Space Research, Lomonosov Moscow State University
Valentin Uvarov
Deputy Chairman, Expert Council for Improving Legislative Regulation of the Space Industry under the Federation Council Committee of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on Economic Policy

Valeriy Sherin
Secretary of State – Deputy General Director, State Corporation for Space Activities
Валерий Витальевич Шерин родился 24 декабря 1981 года в Кемерово.
В 2003 году окончил Кемеровский государственный университет.
С 2001 по 2007 год Валерий Шерин работал юрисконсультом, руководителем судебно-арбитражной группы правового управления, заместителем начальника правового управления ОАО «Кокс» города Кемерово.
С 2007 по 2012 год работал директором по правовым вопросам ОАО «Тулачермет».
В июне 2012 года был назначен на должность председателя комитета по предпринимательству и потребительскому рынку Тульской области.
С сентября 2012 года Валерий Витальевич занимал должность министра имущественных и земельных отношений Тульской области.
10.2013- заместитель председателя правительства Тульской области - министр имущественных и земельных отношений Тульской области.
10.2014-10.2015- заместитель председателя правительства Тульской области - министр природных ресурсов и экологии Тульской области.
С ноября 2015 года - первый заместитель главы администрации города Тулы.
Награжден в 2012г. Благодарственным письмом за добросовестный труд, ответственное отношение к своим обязанностям и высокий профессионализм (Администрация ОАО «Тулачермет»), в 2014г. – Благодарностью Губернатора Тульской области, в 2014г. – Благодарностью Председателя Совета Федерации Федерального Собрания Российской Федерации, в 2015г. – Почетной грамотой Губернатора Тульской области. В 2015 году включен в резерв управленческих кадров, находящихся под патронажем Президента РФ.
В настоящее время - Первый заместитель губернатора - председатель правительства Тульской области.
Заместитель Секретаря Регионального отделения «Единой России» по проектной работе, по работе с Главами МО и общественными организациями, член Президиума Регионального политсовета, член РПС.
В 2003 году окончил Кемеровский государственный университет.
С 2001 по 2007 год Валерий Шерин работал юрисконсультом, руководителем судебно-арбитражной группы правового управления, заместителем начальника правового управления ОАО «Кокс» города Кемерово.
С 2007 по 2012 год работал директором по правовым вопросам ОАО «Тулачермет».
В июне 2012 года был назначен на должность председателя комитета по предпринимательству и потребительскому рынку Тульской области.
С сентября 2012 года Валерий Витальевич занимал должность министра имущественных и земельных отношений Тульской области.
10.2013- заместитель председателя правительства Тульской области - министр имущественных и земельных отношений Тульской области.
10.2014-10.2015- заместитель председателя правительства Тульской области - министр природных ресурсов и экологии Тульской области.
С ноября 2015 года - первый заместитель главы администрации города Тулы.
Награжден в 2012г. Благодарственным письмом за добросовестный труд, ответственное отношение к своим обязанностям и высокий профессионализм (Администрация ОАО «Тулачермет»), в 2014г. – Благодарностью Губернатора Тульской области, в 2014г. – Благодарностью Председателя Совета Федерации Федерального Собрания Российской Федерации, в 2015г. – Почетной грамотой Губернатора Тульской области. В 2015 году включен в резерв управленческих кадров, находящихся под патронажем Президента РФ.
В настоящее время - Первый заместитель губернатора - председатель правительства Тульской области.
Заместитель Секретаря Регионального отделения «Единой России» по проектной работе, по работе с Главами МО и общественными организациями, член Президиума Регионального политсовета, член РПС.

Jayakumar Venkatesan
Astropreneur; Chief Executive Officer, Valles Marineris International Private Limited; Chief Technology Officer, Synergy Moon
Dr Jayakumar Venkatesan is CEO at Valles Marineris International Private Limited, India; Jayakumar Venkatesan is also the Chief Technology Officer for Synergy Moon (One of the finalists in $40M Google Lunar XPRIZE). He is an Astropreneur & Chief Executive Officer for Valles Marineris International Private Limited, India and he is the specialist in the Human Spaceflight Research and Orbital Research Stations Modules. He is also the Director (International Projects) at Analog Astronaut Training Center, Poland. Jayakumar Venkatesan is the expertise in the Spacecraft Engineering and Additive Manufacturing Technologies suitable on the Moon and Mars. Additionally, he is also a Nano-Satellite Researcher & Chief Technology Officer for KSF Space Foundation, United Kingdom. He is the National Point of Contact (India) of The Space Generation Advisory Council in support of the United Nations Programme on Space Applications, Austria. He is the Visionary Board Member to the Technology Contests UpGreat organized by Russian Venture Company, «Skolkovo» Foundation And Agency of Strategic Initiatives, Russia and Deputy Chairman (International Affairs), for International Academy of Space Law (IASL), Moscow. He is the Advisor to Global Centre for Compliance, Hazards and Disaster Management, Cameroon and Moriba Space Club, Sierra Leone. He is also an Aerospace Education Consultant for National Research Universities in Russia and Founder of Cygnus Aerospace Limited, United Kingdom.

Dmitry Loskutov
General Director, Glavkosmos

Elena Matevosova
Member of the Expert Group on Space Resources, Space Council of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Associate Professor, Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL)
In 2009 graduated with honors from the MSAL with a degree in jurisprudence, in 2012 – completed her postgraduate studies at the MSAL, PhD in Law.
From 2013 to the present - associate Professor of the Department of Theory of State and Law of the Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL).
From 2016 to the present (part-time) - associate Professor of the Department of International Security, Faculty of World Politics, Lomonosov Moscow State University.
From October 2014 to October 2021 - assistant to a deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation (VI and VII convocations).
From 2011 to the present – advocate (Moscow Bar Association).
Has more than 60 scientific publications, winner and laureate of a number of international and state scientific competitions.
From 2016 to the present – expert of the Federal Register of Experts in the Scientific and Technical Sphere (Scientific Research Institute).
Since 2018 has been included in the register of accredited advocates of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation providing legal assistance in cases of international child abduction.
Since 2021 – member of the Expert Group on Space Resources of the Space Council of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Research interests: state and law, international security, space law, advocacy.
From 2013 to the present - associate Professor of the Department of Theory of State and Law of the Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL).
From 2016 to the present (part-time) - associate Professor of the Department of International Security, Faculty of World Politics, Lomonosov Moscow State University.
From October 2014 to October 2021 - assistant to a deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation (VI and VII convocations).
From 2011 to the present – advocate (Moscow Bar Association).
Has more than 60 scientific publications, winner and laureate of a number of international and state scientific competitions.
From 2016 to the present – expert of the Federal Register of Experts in the Scientific and Technical Sphere (Scientific Research Institute).
Since 2018 has been included in the register of accredited advocates of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation providing legal assistance in cases of international child abduction.
Since 2021 – member of the Expert Group on Space Resources of the Space Council of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Research interests: state and law, international security, space law, advocacy.

Irina Myslyaeva
Head of the Department of Economics and Management in the Space Industry, Faculty of Space Research, Lomonosov Moscow State University
Irina N. Myslyaeva – Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the Department of Economics and Management in the Space Industry, Faculty of Space Research, Lomonosov Moscow State University. Education - Tomsk State University, Faculty of Economics; full-time postgraduate study at the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University. She worked at the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Since 1994, he has been working at Lomonosov Moscow State University. He is one of the organizers of the MSU Faculty of Space Research, which was established in 2017. Currently, he is the head of two Master's programs: "Public Administration in the space industry", "Space Law", as well as Deputy head of the MBA program "Space and Business". At the Faculty of Space Research, he teaches courses: "Fundamentals of Space Activities", "Public Sector Economics". He has more than 150 scientific publications, is the author of three textbooks. She is known for her research in the field of state regulation of the economy, space industry management, public sector economics and public finance. He is a member of the editorial board of the journal "Economics of Space". The head of the research on the topic: "Extraction of space resources: assessment of prospects and opportunities for extraction of resources outside the Earth", which was published in the publishing house KURS (Moscow) in 2022.

Valentin Uvarov
Deputy Chairman, Expert Council for Improving Legislative Regulation of the Space Industry under the Federation Council Committee of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on Economic Policy
Deputy Chairman of the Expert Council on Improving the Legislative Regulation of the Space Industry under the Federation Council Committee on Economic Policy
Member of the International Institute of Space Law (Paris). An expert on international space policy.
Sphere of special interests: creation of favorable legal conditions for the development of private space; problems of the safety of near-Earth orbits and space traffic; regulation of the reception, processing and dissemination of remote Earth observation data from space, as well as products based on this data; formation of a new world order in the field of space resources.
Formerly - Member of the Board of Directors of JSC NPO Energomash; Director of the Department of Commercial Projects in the Field of Manned Space Flights and Space Exploration of JSC United Rocket and Space Corporation; Deputy Head of the Center for Industry Communications of JSC TSNIIMASH(Roscosmos).
Author of publications on discussion issues of international space law and problems of stimulating the development of the space economy in Russia, expert of the Valdai International Discussion Club.
Member of the International Institute of Space Law (Paris). An expert on international space policy.
Sphere of special interests: creation of favorable legal conditions for the development of private space; problems of the safety of near-Earth orbits and space traffic; regulation of the reception, processing and dissemination of remote Earth observation data from space, as well as products based on this data; formation of a new world order in the field of space resources.
Formerly - Member of the Board of Directors of JSC NPO Energomash; Director of the Department of Commercial Projects in the Field of Manned Space Flights and Space Exploration of JSC United Rocket and Space Corporation; Deputy Head of the Center for Industry Communications of JSC TSNIIMASH(Roscosmos).
Author of publications on discussion issues of international space law and problems of stimulating the development of the space economy in Russia, expert of the Valdai International Discussion Club.