Forensics for Future Justice
Congress Centre, conference hall A
Forensics is the science of detecting, investigating and preventing crimes, and is an integral part of jurisprudence. It is of particular importance in the administration of justice and establishing a person’s guilt or innocence. It is also central to guaranteeing the legality, validity, and fairness of court rulings and other decisions. Today, forensics is developing in the context of IT penetration and digitalization. Equipment, tools, techniques and methods for detecting, investigating and preventing crimes are gradually being transformed and adapted to meet the needs of justice. But just how ready are they for the digital age? Criminals are becoming increasingly sophisticated, making it essential to quickly and effectively apply the latest accomplishments in physics, chemistry, biology, computer science, and other areas in response. It is similarly vital to employ fundamental research conducted domestically, and develop legal mechanisms to use it as evidence. What is the state of forensic science and practice in Russia today? Is it necessary to rethink the objectives and principles of modern forensics, and to enact a reset in the field in order to better address key tasks relating to security and the performance of the justice system? What legal and organizational difficulties are encountered in the administration of justice today? What can be done to facilitate the application of Russian developments in the field of forensics?
Evgeniya Kryukova
Director of the Scientific and Educational Center, Associate Professor of the Department of Criminalistics, Lomonosov Moscow State University
Dmitry Bakhteev
Associate Professor of the Department of Criminalistics, V.F. Yakovlev Ural State Law University
Alexey Bessonov
Rector, Moscow Academy of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation
Tatyana Volchetskaya
Head of the Department of Criminal Procedure, Forensic Science and Legal Informatics, Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University
Igor Komarov
Head of the Department of Criminalistics, Lomonosov Moscow State University
Nikita Kudryashkin
Security Director, Moscow Bank, Sberbank
Nikolai Novikov
Counselor, Lawyer, RussianLegal
Georgiy Omelyanyuk
Deputy Director, Russian Federal Center for Forensic Science of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation
Front row participant
Yuri Kuleshov
Director, Kazan Institute (Branch) of the All-Russian State University of Justice (RPA of the Ministry of Justice of Russia)

Evgeniya Kryukova
Director of the Scientific and Educational Center, Associate Professor of the Department of Criminalistics, Lomonosov Moscow State University

Dmitry Bakhteev
Associate Professor of the Department of Criminalistics, V.F. Yakovlev Ural State Law University

Alexey Bessonov
Rector, Moscow Academy of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation

Tatyana Volchetskaya
Head of the Department of Criminal Procedure, Forensic Science and Legal Informatics, Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University

Igor Komarov
Head of the Department of Criminalistics, Lomonosov Moscow State University

Nikita Kudryashkin
Security Director, Moscow Bank, Sberbank
Nikolai Novikov
Counselor, Lawyer, RussianLegal
Georgiy Omelyanyuk
Deputy Director, Russian Federal Center for Forensic Science of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation
Yuri Kuleshov
Director, Kazan Institute (Branch) of the All-Russian State University of Justice (RPA of the Ministry of Justice of Russia)