Business programme

Legal Education in School and College

Congress Centre, conference hall B3
Law and Society
The system of Russian education is being thoroughly restructured and oriented towards attaining Russian leadership in the scientific, technological, and socio-humanitarian fields. It is also aimed at establishing the rule of law and ensuring Russia's social and cultural identity on the basis of traditional spiritual and moral values. These changes, which will have an impact on school education and secondary vocational education, require the development of new training, new methods and new methodological foundations for providing legal instruction. Legal literacy, as a crucial element of functional literacy, requires serious work and a "reset" of the legal education system.


Anastasia Polovnikova
Professor of the Department of Methods of Teaching History, Social Science and Law of the Institute of the Humanities of the Moscow City Pedagogical University


Dmitry Gulyaev
Youth Digital Ombudsman
Vladimir Nikishin
Associate Professor of the Department of Information Law and Digital Technologies, Director of the Change Management Center, O.E. Kutafin Moscow State Law University; Chief of Staff, Innovative Jurisprudence Consortium
Ajay Rastogi
Judge of Supreme Court of the Republic of India
Nadezhda Chernykh
Associate Professor of the Department of Labor Law and Social Security Law, Kutafin Moscow State Law University

