The Role of Social and Human Rights Work in the Career of a Young Lawyer
Congress Centre, conference hall D4
This session will look at key aspects to do with social and human rights work, and the role that these fields play in the professional development and personal growth of young lawyers. Particular attention will be paid to current social initiatives involving both experienced and novice specialists. Leaders of youth movements will share their personal experience. What experience can a lawyer gain by becoming involved in social initiatives and human rights work? What examples should young lawyers consider? What skills, abilities, and professional qualities can be developed through becoming involved in important social initiatives?
Elena Spiridonova
Executive Director – Chief of Staff, Russian Bar Association
Alena Bulgakova
Executive Director, Association "Independent Public Monitoring"; Member, Public Chamber of the Russian Federation; Chairman of the Youth Movement, Russian Bar Association
Natalya Greshnova
Academic Secretary, Associate Professor of the Department of Theory of State and Law, Leading Legal Adviser of the Internal Control Service, Saratov State Law Academy
Andrey Duben
Research Fellow, Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Elena Kaplya
Chairman of the Council of Young Lawyers, Member of the Executive Committee of the Krasnodar Regional Branch of the Russian Bar Association
Arina Kormilitsyna
Master Student, Kutafin Moscow State Law University; Office Legal Adviser, Russian Bar Association
Alan Lazarov
Head of Organizational Management, Member of the Commission on New Technologies and Legal Support for the Digitalization of Society, Association of Lawyers of Russia
Aleksey Peskov
Deputy Chairman, All-Russian Public Movement "Corpus "For Clean Elections"
Ilya Rudenko
Representative of the Staff, Coordinating Council of Young Lawyers of the Association of Lawyers of Russia; Head of the Department for the Ural, Siberian and Southern Federal Districts of the Office of the Association of Lawyers of Russia
Ilya Chechelnitsky
Chairman of the Youth Council under the Commissioner for Human Rights in the Russian Federation
Sergey Yakovlev
Director of the Legal Department, Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters
Front row participant
Valeria Valyaeva
Senior Client Manager of the Foreign Network for Latin America and the Caribbean, Russian Export Center

Elena Spiridonova
Executive Director – Chief of Staff, Russian Bar Association

Alena Bulgakova
Executive Director, Association "Independent Public Monitoring"; Member, Public Chamber of the Russian Federation; Chairman of the Youth Movement, Russian Bar Association

Natalya Greshnova
Academic Secretary, Associate Professor of the Department of Theory of State and Law, Leading Legal Adviser of the Internal Control Service, Saratov State Law Academy

Andrey Duben
Research Fellow, Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Elena Kaplya
Chairman of the Council of Young Lawyers, Member of the Executive Committee of the Krasnodar Regional Branch of the Russian Bar Association

Arina Kormilitsyna
Master Student, Kutafin Moscow State Law University; Office Legal Adviser, Russian Bar Association

Alan Lazarov
Head of Organizational Management, Member of the Commission on New Technologies and Legal Support for the Digitalization of Society, Association of Lawyers of Russia

Aleksey Peskov
Deputy Chairman, All-Russian Public Movement "Corpus "For Clean Elections"

Ilya Rudenko
Representative of the Staff, Coordinating Council of Young Lawyers of the Association of Lawyers of Russia; Head of the Department for the Ural, Siberian and Southern Federal Districts of the Office of the Association of Lawyers of Russia

Ilya Chechelnitsky
Chairman of the Youth Council under the Commissioner for Human Rights in the Russian Federation

Sergey Yakovlev
Director of the Legal Department, Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters

Valeria Valyaeva
Senior Client Manager of the Foreign Network for Latin America and the Caribbean, Russian Export Center