Russia and Asia: A New Pathway for Developing International Relations
Congress Centre, conference hall D1
Nations in East Asia are beginning to occupy a key place among the globe’s political and economic centres. China has already become Russia’s biggest trading partner. Meanwhile, trade with India and the countries of Southeast Asia is growing. As Russia begins to work more closely with Asian nations, there will be an increasing need to support joint ventures across various sectors, including mining, the automotive industry, and developing the Northern Sea Route, amongst others. Given that Asia is now the main focus in terms of forging international ties, there is a risk of more business disputes occurring in this region. As a result, the role of arbitration centres – such as the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission and other Asian arbitration institutions – will increase. At the same time, it is also important to understand the problems that lawyers and businesses from Asia face in Russia. Another factor is the clear lack of knowledge in Russia regarding the country’s neighbours in Asia. This is down to there being an insufficient number of experts who have a strong grasp of the social, political and legal aspects of working with these countries. A number of steps therefore need to be taken to address these issues. Academic and applied research on the law in Asian nations needs to be developed, and training must be provided for future professionals specializing in interactions with East Asia. These people will need to understand the fundamentals of the legal culture of Asian countries, as well as the terminology used in legislation. They will also have to have an idea of the mentality that partners in the region tend to possess, and to have a grasp of the specificities of doing business there. If these steps are not taken, lawyers in Russia may find themselves unable to provide legal support to organizations working with partners based in China, India, and other nations. What is already known about the ins and outs of working with China, India, and the nations of Southeast Asia? Should a lawyer study Asian law and languages? Are we aware of the steps required of a Russian business looking to work with China and operate in the country? What about Chinese businesses in Russia? Will China become a new international arbitration centre for Russian businesses? Could the field of law serve to help develop international relations with the East?
Alexander Alekseenko
Associate Professor, Department of Commercial Law, Faculty of Law, St. Petersburg State University
Olga Bazina
Associate Professor of the Department of Constitutional Law, Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation (MGIMO of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia)
Aleksey Bastrykin
Cadet of the International Law Faculty of the Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia named after V.Ya. Kikotya
Alexander Bykov
Head of East Asia Project Support Practice, Capital Legal Services (online)
Elena Emelchenkova
Head of the Department of Theory and Methods of Teaching Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, St. Petersburg State University
Alexander Zainigabdinov
Head of the Beijing office of China Window Consulting Group, arbitrator of the Shanghai International Arbitration Center (online)
Andrey Kozinets
Associate Professor, Department of International Relations, Far Eastern Federal University (online)
Albert Trofimov
Assistant of the Department of Administrative and Financial Law, St. Petersburg State University; Senior Associate, Versus Legal
Pavel Troshchinsky
Leading Researcher, Institute of China and Modern Asia, Russian Academy of Sciences
Vu Thu Cha Mi
Head of the International Development Department of the Apparatus, Association of Lawyers of Russia
Natalya Shupeiko
General Director, Sinofay Legal (online)
Polina Shcherbakova
Cadet of the Faculty of International Law, V.Y. Kikotya Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

Alexander Alekseenko
Associate Professor, Department of Commercial Law, Faculty of Law, St. Petersburg State University

Olga Bazina
Associate Professor of the Department of Constitutional Law, Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation (MGIMO of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia)
Olga O.Bazina has a PhD in Law, and is Senior Lecturer of the Constitutional Law Department at the International Law School of the MGIMO-University.
She has been working at the Constitutional Law Department of the MGIMO-University since 2013.
In 2005 graduated from the Law School of the Amur State University. Diploma with honors.
In 2009–2012 — post graduate student of the Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL); specialization: Constitutional Law, Municipal Law.
In 2012 successfully defended her PhD thesis on «Constitutional legal status of the Head of the State in China (the past and the present)» and was awarded with the degree of candidate of judicial sciences (PhD).
She is engaged in conducting seminars on the following disciplines: Basics of State, Law and State Governance, State Law of the Russian Federation, State Law of Foreign Countries, Legal Studies.
She specializes in the Constitutional Law of Asian countries, Comparative Constitutional Law.
Olga O.Bazina is the co-author of the textbook «Constitutional Law of Foreign Countries: textbook. 4th ed./ eds. M.V.Baglai, Y.I.Leibo, L.M.Entin. Moscow: Norma: INFRA-M, 2016». She is also the author of several articles on different issues of Constitutional Law of China.
She has been working at the Constitutional Law Department of the MGIMO-University since 2013.
In 2005 graduated from the Law School of the Amur State University. Diploma with honors.
In 2009–2012 — post graduate student of the Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL); specialization: Constitutional Law, Municipal Law.
In 2012 successfully defended her PhD thesis on «Constitutional legal status of the Head of the State in China (the past and the present)» and was awarded with the degree of candidate of judicial sciences (PhD).
She is engaged in conducting seminars on the following disciplines: Basics of State, Law and State Governance, State Law of the Russian Federation, State Law of Foreign Countries, Legal Studies.
She specializes in the Constitutional Law of Asian countries, Comparative Constitutional Law.
Olga O.Bazina is the co-author of the textbook «Constitutional Law of Foreign Countries: textbook. 4th ed./ eds. M.V.Baglai, Y.I.Leibo, L.M.Entin. Moscow: Norma: INFRA-M, 2016». She is also the author of several articles on different issues of Constitutional Law of China.

Aleksey Bastrykin
Cadet of the International Law Faculty of the Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia named after V.Ya. Kikotya

Alexander Bykov
Head of East Asia Project Support Practice, Capital Legal Services

Elena Emelchenkova
Head of the Department of Theory and Methods of Teaching Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, St. Petersburg State University

Alexander Zainigabdinov
Head of the Beijing office of China Window Consulting Group, arbitrator of the Shanghai International Arbitration Center

Andrey Kozinets
Associate Professor, Department of International Relations, Far Eastern Federal University

Albert Trofimov
Assistant of the Department of Administrative and Financial Law, St. Petersburg State University; Senior Associate, Versus Legal

Pavel Troshchinsky
Leading Researcher, Institute of China and Modern Asia, Russian Academy of Sciences

Vu Thu Cha Mi
Head of the International Development Department of the Apparatus, Association of Lawyers of Russia

Natalya Shupeiko
General Director, Sinofay Legal

Polina Shcherbakova
Cadet of the Faculty of International Law, V.Y. Kikotya Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation