Fashion Law: Regulation of the Fashion and Creative Industries
Congress Centre, conference hall A
Law pertaining to the creative industries – and the fashion industry in particular – is a field which is becoming popular with young people. Currently, there is little in the way of comprehensive theoretical research on legal issues facing the fashion industry. However, a unique practice is gradually taking shape to protect Russian design, style, fashion, and creativity. Legal support in the fashion industry is a relatively new area of law, which focuses on solving everyday issues encountered by professionals. However, terms for this field have already found their way in the legal lexicon of several languages. These include UK and US English (fashion law), French (droit de la mode, droit du luxe, droit du design), Italian (diritto della moda), and Spanish (derecho de la moda, although the English term is also often borrowed). Is the fashion industry really in need of special regulation, or does fashion law merely consist of well-known legal aspects in new packaging? What should be done to consolidate the efforts of lawyers and people working in the popular creative industries in order to establish consistent and clear rules? What difficulties in terms of legislation and law enforcement practice exist in relation to fashion law today?
Nikita Malyutin
Associate Professor of the Department of Constitutional and Municipal Law, Faculty of Law, Lomonosov Moscow State University; Chairman, Council of Young Scientists of the Faculty
Olga Borodina
Deputy Director for Legal Affairs of the Department for Ensuring Intellectual Property Protection, Gazprom-Media Holding
Svetlana Gracheva
Dean of the Faculty of Theory and History of Art, Ilya Repin St. Petersburg Academy of Arts
Galina Domakha
Director, Founder, Fashion House Elena Tkachenko
Anastasia Dudko
Attorney, Senior Associate, Intellectual Property and Dispute Resolution Practice, BGP Litigation
Olga Malyuga
Founder, IVOLGA; lecturer, Modern School of Design
Valentina Rostovshikova
Chairman of the Board, Fashion Hub Russia Group of Companies; Member of the General Council, International Buyers Association International Buyers Hub
Natalia Sinitsyna
Patent Attorney, practicing Lawyer in the Field of Intellectual Property
Elizaveta Fomchenko
Head of Legal Department, Pioneer Film Company

Nikita Malyutin
Associate Professor of the Department of Constitutional and Municipal Law, Faculty of Law, Lomonosov Moscow State University; Chairman, Council of Young Scientists of the Faculty

Olga Borodina
Deputy Director for Legal Affairs of the Department for Ensuring Intellectual Property Protection, Gazprom-Media Holding

Svetlana Gracheva
Dean of the Faculty of Theory and History of Art, Ilya Repin St. Petersburg Academy of Arts

Galina Domakha
Director, Founder, Fashion House Elena Tkachenko

Anastasia Dudko
Attorney, Senior Associate, Intellectual Property and Dispute Resolution Practice, BGP Litigation
Olga Malyuga
Founder, IVOLGA; lecturer, Modern School of Design

Valentina Rostovshikova
Chairman of the Board, Fashion Hub Russia Group of Companies; Member of the General Council, International Buyers Association International Buyers Hub

Natalia Sinitsyna
Patent Attorney, practicing Lawyer in the Field of Intellectual Property

Elizaveta Fomchenko
Head of Legal Department, Pioneer Film Company