Business programme

Restricted Use Zones: Real Solutions for Managing Spatial Development

Congress Centre, conference hall D4
State Regulation and Sovereignty
Restricted Use Zones (RUZ) are used in many countries to manage spatial development and regional policy. They are established to regulate economic, social, and environmental activity in certain territories. Under the Land Code of the Russian Federation, RUZ land plots are subject to a number of restrictions, including a ban on the construction or use of buildings and other structures. There are currently 28 types of RUZs. Special attention is required when establishing a zone as it may limit the use of land and real estate located there and result in land disputes and even negative consequences for the investment climate of a region, territorial development, and implementation of national projects. How does the establishment of a RUZ affect locals and investors? How appropriate are the statutory restrictions in light of the reasons for establishing RUZs? Should the relations tied to establishing a RUZ be further regulated?


Aleksei Butovetskii
Secretary of State – Deputy Head, The Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography (Rosreestr)


Natalia Adigamova
Minister of Property Relations of the Moscow Region
Yulia Brovchenko
Deputy Director of the Land Relations Division, DOM.RF
Andrey Vinnitskiy
Vice Rector for Scientific Work, Head of the Department of Land, Urban Planning and Environmental Law, Ural State Law University Named After V. F. Yakovlev
Pavel Zavalny
Chairman of the Committee of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on Energy; President, Russian Gas Society
Dmitry Timofeev
Vice President for Government Relations and Corporate Relations, PJSC "PIK-Specialized Homebuilder"
Alexey Kharlamov
Head of Land Relations Department, Gazprom
Nikita Yatsenko
Deputy Director of the Legal Department, Transneft

Front row participants

Alexander Dyomin
Secretary of State – Deputy Head, Federal Service for Ecological, Technological and Nuclear Supervision (Rostekhnadzor)
Anastasia Leletina
Deputy Director of the Department for State Registration of Departmental Regulatory Legal Acts, Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation
Alina Malysheva
Director, Department of Legal Support and Legislative Activities, Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation
Dmitry Panov
Coordinator of the "Business Russia" in the North-Western Federal District
Oleg Speranskiy
Director of the Legal Department, Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation

