Business programme

Law and Bioethics

Congress Centre, conference hall B1
Innovation, Technologies and Law
The accelerated development of science and the emergence and active use of new technologies are having an ever-increasing impact on our understanding of values and not only resulting in legal, but also ethical consequences. One of the key areas of scientific and technological development in modern society, where such consequences are particularly acute, is genetic research. Modern society lacks the tools to effectively regulate the development of specialized knowledge in genetics. An updated regulatory system needs to be created in order to increase the pace and efficiency of genetic research, on the one hand, and adherence to values, on the other. The ethical standards that permeate law protect the interests of all parties in genetic research and define the boundaries within which public interests need to be taken into account. Ethics and morality should precede the legal regulation of research and fill it with the appropriate content, otherwise we run the risk of running into an ever-changing legal position that justifies or prohibits any scientific research. The rapid development of genetics and genomics encourages us to think about the balance of private and public interests, which are essential to the effective modernization of the system for regulating the use of genetic technologies. How can we effectively combine ethical values and the need for accelerated technological development? What is the role of law in striking this balance?


Oleg Grin
Director, Scientific and Educational Center for Law and Bioethics in the Field of Genomic Research and Application of Genetic Technologies, Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL)


Elena Bryzgalina
Head of the Department of Philosophy of Education, Faculty of Philosophy, Lomonosov Moscow State University
Andrey Glotov
Head of the Department of Genomic Medicine, Research Institute of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductology named after D. O. Otta
Vera Izhevskaya
Deputy Director for Research, Academician N.P. Bochkova Medical Genetic Research Center
Dmitry Pyshnyy
Deputy Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation
Konstantin Sharlovsky
Head of Pharmaceuticals and Healthcare Practice, Pepeliaev Group

