Business programme

New Regional Forms of Intellectual Property in Eurasia: A Common Eurasian Trademark and Utility Model

Congress Centre, conference hall B4
The Business Environment, Corporate Governance, and the Legal Services Market
Intellectual property is the central link in any innovation and is used in the process of developing and implementing innovative projects. A key condition for the effective integration of national economies is the creation of regional systems that provide legal protection for industrial property. To ensure the free movement of goods and services in the common Eurasian market, it is crucial to eliminate the territorial nature of IP rights, when an entrepreneur is forced to obtain legal protection separately in each state, which takes a lot of resources and time. The Eurasian system used to provide legal protection for inventions and industrial designs has already proven to be stable and popular among users. Expanding the range of items protected within the Eurasian patent system is one of the main focuses of the programme for the development of the Eurasian Patent Organization in 2023–2028.


Grigory Ivliev
President, Eurasian Patent Office (EAPO) of the Eurasian Patent Organization


Yury Zubov
Head, Federal Service for Intellectual Property (Rospatent) (online)
Vitaly Kalyatin
Professor of the Intellectual Rights Department, S.S. Alexeev Private Law Research Centre under the President of the Russian Federation
Vladimir Lopatin
Academic Supervisor, Director, Republican Scientific Research Institute of Intellectual Property
Valery Medvedev
Managing Partner, Law Firm Gorodissky and Partners; Russian Patent and Trademark Attorney; Eurasian Patent Attorney
Tatyana Neshataeva
Professor, Head of the Department of International Law, Russian State University of Justice (RGUP)
Vladimir Ryabovolov
Director General, National Centre of Intellectual Property of the Republic of Belarus (online)
Olga Tereshchenko
Vice-Rector for Development and Strategic Communications, Russian State Academy of Intellectual Property
Eduard Shablin
President, Assembly of Eurasian Patent Attorneys (AEPP); Partner, Patentica
Tadzio Schilling
Chief Executive Officer, Association of European Businesses (АЕВ)

Front row participants

Natalia Sinitsyna
Patent Attorney; Lecturer, British Higher School of Design; Managing Partner, Magic legal
Sergey Fabrichnyi
Director, Federal Agency for Legal Protection of the Results of Intellectual Activities of Military, Special and Dual Purpose

