Business programme

Legal Technologies, Design, and other Innovations in Managing Legal Functions

Congress Centre, conference hall B1
The Business Environment, Corporate Governance, and the Legal Services Market
The evolution of technology is leading to changes in the approaches and requirements for certain professions. The legal profession, which has always been associated with pen and paper, is rapidly developing. The daily work of a lawyer no longer involves just a single computer, but a whole range of devices. A company lawyer who had previously been responsible for a certain area of work must now have an entirely different set of skills in order to replace a colleague at any time. What is the optimal way to organize the work of a legal department at a major company? How can measure a legal department’s effectiveness? How is the legal function being automated? Is legal design a trend or a necessity?


Alexandra Nesterenko
President, Association of Corporate Lawyers


Sergey Voitishkin
Managing Partner, Law Firm "Melling, Voitishkin & Partners"
Igor Kondrashov
Vice-President – Director of the Legal Department, Sberbank
Julia Popelysheva
Chief Legal Officer, Yandex
Ekaterina Regeda
Deputy General Director-Head of the "Legal" Functional Direction, Gals-Development Group of Companies
Gulnara Ruchkina
Dean of the Faculty of Law, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
Alexander Smirnov
Managing Director for Legal Affairs, Avito

