Business programme

The Russian and Global Carbon Unit Market: Problems and Prospects

Congress Centre, conference hall B3
The Environment and Urban Planning
As part of decarbonization and the national energy transition, climate legislation has been active in recent years. Key regulatory acts aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions have been adopted, a necessary regulatory framework established to regulate the release of carbon units from climate projects, and a system of emission quotas launched within the framework of the Sakhalin experiment. In 2023, a registry was created for climate projects and carbon units issued into circulation and for use in transactions and regulations introduced into legislation to develop relations in the production and consumption of electricity generated by low-carbon generating facilities alongside new decarbonization instruments for generation attributes and certificates of origin. However, for the market to function properly here and abroad, a number of important issues remain to be resolved to determine the nature of the relations governing the issue and turnover of carbon units (quotas) and applicable legislation, the legal qualification of carbon units (quotas), generation attributes and certificates of origin, rules governing such instruments, and issues around liability and forefeiture.


Lyudmila Novoselova
Chairman, Court for Intellectual Rights; Head of the Department of Financial Transactions and New Technologies in Law, Private Law Research Centre under the President of the Russian Federation named after S.S. Alexeev


Oleg Barkin
Member of the Board, Deputy Chairman of the Board, NP Market Council
Ilya Kaminskiy
Head of the Division of Access to Foreign Markets and Settlement of Trade Disputes of the Trade Policy Department, Eurasian Economic Commission
Tatyana Medvedeva
Head of the Center for Legislative Initiatives, VEB.RF; Deputy Head of the Department of Legislation on Legal Entities, Research Center for Private Law named after S.S. Alekseev under the President of the Russian Federation
Evgeny Khilinsky
Vice President, Head of the Centre for Implementation of Sustainable Development Principles, Gazprombank
Alexander Shenderyuk-Zhidkov
Senator of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation; Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on Budget and Financial Markets

Front row participant

Ivan Gudkov
Associate Professor of the Department of Legal Regulation of the Fuel and Energy Complex, MGIMO University

