Regulation of the EAEU Space: Protection Mechanisms and New Opportunities for Business
Congress Centre, conference hall B4
Ten years have passed since the Treaty on the Eurasian Economic Union was signed on 29 May, eventually leading to the establishment of the Court of the EAEU. It is time to reflect on what has been achieved and use the experience gained to outline ways to move forward, to further improve the institutions and legislation in place within the Union, to assess the place of its judicial body, the Court of the EAEU, in strengthening the rule of law in the EAEU, in protecting the rights and legitimate interests of states and economic entities on the basis of the Treaty on the EAEU and other legal acts of the Union, and in ensuring its uniform application by member states and Union bodies. The successful resolution of these tasks, achievement of goals, and implementation of principles enshrined in the Treaty on the EAEU by its member states would be unthinkable without a systematic and constructive effort on the part of the Court of the EAEU, in accordance with its expertise, to work together with the Eurasian Economic Commission and other bodies within the Union, EAEU member states, authorized bodies and national judicial authorities, the legal community, and the business community. The effectiveness of the Court depends on a number of factors, not least of which is the awareness of the general public of what this international judicial body means for legal defence in the context of foreign economic activity across the EAEU among others. In this regard, a systematic dialogue must occur with the authorized bodies and judicial authorities of Member States, the legal community, and the business community in order to identify and eliminate gaps in Union legislation, improve its application, and ensure consistent and effective implementation of the goals and principles of the EAEU Treaty. What is the role of the Court of the EAEU and how has it strengthened legal order? What mechanisms exist for protecting the rights and legitimate interests of the subjects of legal relations regulated by the Treaty on the EAEU and other acts of the Union, including economic entities (legal entities, individual entrepreneurs) from Member States and third countries?
Alexey Dronov
Chairman, Court of the Eurasian Economic Union
Oleg Zaitsev
Dean of Higher School of Jurisprudence Department, Institute of Public Administration and Civil Service, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA)
Evgeny Kovalenko
Minister of Justice of the Republic of Belarus
Natalia Pavlova
Judge from the Russian Federation, Court of the Eurasian Economic Union
Mikhail Savransky
Professor of the Department of Private International Law, The Private Law Research Centre under the President of the Russian Federation named after S.S. Alexeev; Deputy Chairman, Arbitration Center at the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP)
Andrey Slepnev
Member of the Board, Minister in Charge of Trade, Eurasian Economic Commission (online)
Front row participants
Mikhail Vinogradov
Head of the General Directorate of International Legal Cooperation, General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation
Mikhail Krotov
Department of Foreign Policy of Russia and CIS Countries, School of World Politics, Lomonosov Moscow State University

Alexey Dronov
Chairman, Court of the Eurasian Economic Union

Oleg Zaitsev
Dean of Higher School of Jurisprudence Department, Institute of Public Administration and Civil Service, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA)
Dean of the School of Law IPACS RANEPA
Member of the Civic Council of The Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography (Rosreestr)
Member of the Expert council of the Higher Attestation Comission of Law and Political Science
Member of the Board of the Exeprt Center of the Association of lawyers of Russia
Member of the Board of the Center of International Legal Education
Vice-rector of masters program of the International Academy of Law «BERINGOFF»
Member of the Civic Council of The Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography (Rosreestr)
Member of the Expert council of the Higher Attestation Comission of Law and Political Science
Member of the Board of the Exeprt Center of the Association of lawyers of Russia
Member of the Board of the Center of International Legal Education
Vice-rector of masters program of the International Academy of Law «BERINGOFF»

Evgeny Kovalenko
Minister of Justice of the Republic of Belarus
Natalia Pavlova
Judge from the Russian Federation, Court of the Eurasian Economic Union

Mikhail Savransky
Professor of the Department of Private International Law, The Private Law Research Centre under the President of the Russian Federation named after S.S. Alexeev; Deputy Chairman, Arbitration Center at the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP)
• Professor of the International Private Law Department of Research Centre of Private Law; PhD in Law;
• Vice-President of the Arbitration Centre at Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs;
• Arbitrator of the International Commercial Arbitration Court and the Court of Arbitration at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation (ICAC);
• Vice-Chairman of the Russian Center for the Support and Promotion of Arbitration;
• Member of the Harbin Arbitration Commission, Arbitration Commission of ICC Russia;
• Editorial Board Member of “Vestnik of International Commercial Arbitration” (Moscow) and “The Arbitration Court” (St. Petersburg).
E 1307002@gmail.com
Date of birth 24.11.1973
In 1997 graduated from the Moscow State Law Academy (International Private Law Department).
In 1997 – 2001 studied for Postgraduate degree at the Centre of Legal problems of international economic relations of the Institute of State and Law, established by the Russian Academy of Sciences. Upon completing the course in 2002, defends his PhD thesis titled “The Legal Regulation of the International Financial Leasing”.
1994 - 2003 Private legal practice, has worked in a numerous Russian companies as a compliance officer.
During 2003 - 2012 has worked at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, including the position of Deputy Director of Center of Arbitration and Mediation at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, in creating of which had participated actively. He has coordinated development and popularization of arbitration courts including the International Commercial Arbitration Court, improvement of arbitration’s legislation, promotion of opportunities of the CCI in the field of the international arbitration.
Participated in the drafting of rules and other documents governing the dispute resolution in various arbitration courts at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation.
In 2012-2016 - Deputy Director for Legal Affairs of ANO "Independent Arbitration Chamber".
Has the practice of the arbitration settlement of disputes in a number of institutional arbitrations in Russia and abroad, including the International Commercial Arbitration Court at the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (since 2005) in the capacity of the chairman at arbitration membership, sole arbitrator, member of an arbitration membership (acted as arbitrator in more than international 150 arbitration proceedings with a number of companies from more than 35 countries). Has experience in the sphere of the international arbitration settlement of disputes according with Swiss Regulations of the international arbitration court at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Geneva, Switzerland, acted as an arbitrator under the rules of the International Chamber of Commerce in Belgium, investment arbitration ad hoc under Regulations of the UNCITRAL, Paris.
Не participated as an expert the preparation of some Resolutions of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, including documents on the issues on the resolution of disputes with foreigners.
The author of certain scientific and practical published works dealing with international contractual obligations and a range of problems in settlement of commercial disputes. Also co-author of commentary on the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (ed. Тamara Abova), Moscow, 2004; Private International Law (MGIMO (U), ed. Sergei Lebedev, Elena Kabatova), Moscow, 2013.
One of the scientific editors and author of the books: Сommentаry on the Federal Law on Arbitration in the Russian Federation (ed. Oieg Skvortsov, Mikhail Savranskiy). Moscow, 2016; International Commercial Arbitration textbook (ed. Oleg Skvortsov, Mikhail Savranskiy, Gleb Sevastianov), Second Edition, Moscow, 2018.
Among the areas of research and areas of professional practice is effectiveness improvement and optimization of the arbitration procedure, especially considering the complex international disputes.
Delivers a courses of lectures on "Key issues of resolving international commercial disputes", "International Commercial Arbitration" at Russian School of Private Law.
He is a regular speaker at international legal conferences.
• Vice-President of the Arbitration Centre at Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs;
• Arbitrator of the International Commercial Arbitration Court and the Court of Arbitration at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation (ICAC);
• Vice-Chairman of the Russian Center for the Support and Promotion of Arbitration;
• Member of the Harbin Arbitration Commission, Arbitration Commission of ICC Russia;
• Editorial Board Member of “Vestnik of International Commercial Arbitration” (Moscow) and “The Arbitration Court” (St. Petersburg).
E 1307002@gmail.com
Date of birth 24.11.1973
In 1997 graduated from the Moscow State Law Academy (International Private Law Department).
In 1997 – 2001 studied for Postgraduate degree at the Centre of Legal problems of international economic relations of the Institute of State and Law, established by the Russian Academy of Sciences. Upon completing the course in 2002, defends his PhD thesis titled “The Legal Regulation of the International Financial Leasing”.
1994 - 2003 Private legal practice, has worked in a numerous Russian companies as a compliance officer.
During 2003 - 2012 has worked at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, including the position of Deputy Director of Center of Arbitration and Mediation at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, in creating of which had participated actively. He has coordinated development and popularization of arbitration courts including the International Commercial Arbitration Court, improvement of arbitration’s legislation, promotion of opportunities of the CCI in the field of the international arbitration.
Participated in the drafting of rules and other documents governing the dispute resolution in various arbitration courts at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation.
In 2012-2016 - Deputy Director for Legal Affairs of ANO "Independent Arbitration Chamber".
Has the practice of the arbitration settlement of disputes in a number of institutional arbitrations in Russia and abroad, including the International Commercial Arbitration Court at the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (since 2005) in the capacity of the chairman at arbitration membership, sole arbitrator, member of an arbitration membership (acted as arbitrator in more than international 150 arbitration proceedings with a number of companies from more than 35 countries). Has experience in the sphere of the international arbitration settlement of disputes according with Swiss Regulations of the international arbitration court at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Geneva, Switzerland, acted as an arbitrator under the rules of the International Chamber of Commerce in Belgium, investment arbitration ad hoc under Regulations of the UNCITRAL, Paris.
Не participated as an expert the preparation of some Resolutions of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, including documents on the issues on the resolution of disputes with foreigners.
The author of certain scientific and practical published works dealing with international contractual obligations and a range of problems in settlement of commercial disputes. Also co-author of commentary on the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (ed. Тamara Abova), Moscow, 2004; Private International Law (MGIMO (U), ed. Sergei Lebedev, Elena Kabatova), Moscow, 2013.
One of the scientific editors and author of the books: Сommentаry on the Federal Law on Arbitration in the Russian Federation (ed. Oieg Skvortsov, Mikhail Savranskiy). Moscow, 2016; International Commercial Arbitration textbook (ed. Oleg Skvortsov, Mikhail Savranskiy, Gleb Sevastianov), Second Edition, Moscow, 2018.
Among the areas of research and areas of professional practice is effectiveness improvement and optimization of the arbitration procedure, especially considering the complex international disputes.
Delivers a courses of lectures on "Key issues of resolving international commercial disputes", "International Commercial Arbitration" at Russian School of Private Law.
He is a regular speaker at international legal conferences.

Andrey Slepnev
Member of the Board, Minister in Charge of Trade, Eurasian Economic Commission
Born September 13, 1969 in Bor, Nizhny Novgorod Region.
2005–2007: Head of the Presidential Experts’ Directorate
2007–2009: Deputy Minister of Agriculture
2009–2011: Member of the Trade Panel (Minister) of the Eurasian Economic Commission
February 26 – July, 2016: Assistant to the Prime Minister
July 5, 2016: appointed Deputy Head of the Government’s Executive Office and Director of the Projects Department of the Government of the Russian Federation. From May 2018 to February 2020, he was the CEO of JSC Russian Export Center. On March 2 2020 Andrey Slepnev took office as a member of the Board (Minister) for Trade of the Eurasian Economic Commission.
2005–2007: Head of the Presidential Experts’ Directorate
2007–2009: Deputy Minister of Agriculture
2009–2011: Member of the Trade Panel (Minister) of the Eurasian Economic Commission
February 26 – July, 2016: Assistant to the Prime Minister
July 5, 2016: appointed Deputy Head of the Government’s Executive Office and Director of the Projects Department of the Government of the Russian Federation. From May 2018 to February 2020, he was the CEO of JSC Russian Export Center. On March 2 2020 Andrey Slepnev took office as a member of the Board (Minister) for Trade of the Eurasian Economic Commission.

Mikhail Vinogradov
Head of the General Directorate of International Legal Cooperation, General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation
Mikhail Krotov
Department of Foreign Policy of Russia and CIS Countries, School of World Politics, Lomonosov Moscow State University