Business programme

Global Transactions: Special Aspects of Antitrust Control in the Era of Economic Transformation

Congress Centre, conference hall D3
The Business Environment, Corporate Governance, and the Legal Services Market
Controlling economic concentration is becoming an increasingly important issue on the current and future agenda of competition authorities around the world. Antimonopoly authorities are intensifying their activities to improve legal regulation and practical enforcement in the control of economic concentration due to the real processes of economic and organizational transformation in global markets. First, numerous transactions represent cooperation between digital companies in fundamentally new markets that require adapted approaches to an economic analysis of the extent of their impact on competition. Second, people continue to engage in cross-border transactions that involve multiple jurisdictions and require cooperation among the antimonopoly authorities and the harmonization of common approaches. What challenges do antimonopoly regulators face when assessing economic concentration transactions in a rapidly changing economic situation? What role does cooperation between competition authorities from different jurisdictions play in developing common approaches to the assessment of cross-border mergers?


Denis Gavrilov
Deputy Head of Competition Law Department, Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL)


Vitaliy Dianov
Chairman, Association of Antimonopoly Experts; Partner, ALUMNI Partners
Montree Kanokwaree
Deputy Secretary General, Trade Competition Commission of Thailand (TCCT)
Vachakan Katsalov
Head of Corporate and Legal Department, Cherkizovo Group
Natalia Korosteleva
Partner, Head of Competition Law Practice, EPAM Law
Daria Kotova
Expert, International BRICS Competition Law and Policy Centre, National Research University Higher School of Economics
Hardin Ratshisusu
Deputy Commissioner, Competition Commission of the South African Republic
Zhanna Tomashevskaya
Managing Partner, Law Company Tomashevskaya & Partners
Andrey Tsyganov
Deputy Head, Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Russian Federation (FAS Russia)
Tadzio Schilling
Chief Executive Officer, Association of European Businesses (АЕВ)

