Legal Aspects of Migration Policy in Today’s Russia
Congress Centre, conference hall E11
During globalization, migration impacts the economy, politics, and the community in significant ways. One of the strategic goals of the state is to create the conditions and mechanisms necessary to attract highly qualified specialists capable of benefiting the economy. Ultimately, the effectiveness of migration policy depends on the quality of legal regulation, how Russian legislation governing migration is actually applied, and the effectiveness of countermeasures. Modern technology is becoming increasingly important as a means to increase the effectiveness of the administrative procedures governing migration and prevent, detect, and mitigate violations of Russian legislation, and, finally, take administrative action.
Olga Alexandrova
Rector, All-Russian State University of Justice
Alexander Bastrykin
Chairman, Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation
Kirill Kabanov
Chairman, National Anti-Corruption Committee
Zemfira Kazachkova
Head of the Department of Administrative, Financial and Information Law, All-Russian State University of Justice
Andrey Klishas
Chairman of the Committee on Constitutional Legislation and State Building of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation
Anzor Muzaev
Head of the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science
Sergey Nuzhdin
Member of the Presidium of the Management Board, Chairman of the Committee on Migration and Coordination of Activities of Places of Residence, All-Russian Non-Governmental Organization of Small and Medium Business OPORA RUSSIA
Front row participant
Badma Sangadzhiev
Head of the Department of Constitutional and International Law, All-Russian State University of Justice

Olga Alexandrova
Rector, All-Russian State University of Justice

Alexander Bastrykin
Chairman, Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation

Kirill Kabanov
Chairman, National Anti-Corruption Committee

Zemfira Kazachkova
Head of the Department of Administrative, Financial and Information Law, All-Russian State University of Justice

Andrey Klishas
Chairman of the Committee on Constitutional Legislation and State Building of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation

Anzor Muzaev
Head of the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science

Sergey Nuzhdin
Member of the Presidium of the Management Board, Chairman of the Committee on Migration and Coordination of Activities of Places of Residence, All-Russian Non-Governmental Organization of Small and Medium Business OPORA RUSSIA

Badma Sangadzhiev
Head of the Department of Constitutional and International Law, All-Russian State University of Justice