Preserving the Institution of the Family
Congress Centre, conference hall E9
Traditional family values are key to the stable development of a state and its society. The numerous ongoing attempts to externally influence Russia by foreign countries that wish to undermine the foundations of the country’s family values are having a negative impact on the young people of today. It is essential not only to preserve, but to strengthen traditional Russian spiritual and moral values, including family values. The Russian government and the Orthodox Church are currently paying great attention to problems associated with strengthening and establishing the institution of family, family upbringing, and fostering spiritual and moral family values. The Russian president has declared 2024 the Year of the Family. This initiative has made it possible to pay close attention to such issues as maternal, paternal, and childhood protection, as well as direct additional social support measures to improve the demographic situation in the country and the health of the nation. In addition, Russia has adopted strategic regulatory legal documents that aim to protect traditional Russian spiritual and moral values. What influence do traditional family values have on legislation? What proposals to reform this legislation could currently be implemented?
Maria Kiseleva
Deputy, Moscow City Duma; Three -Time Olympic Champion in Synchronous Swimming
Olga Alexandrova
Rector, All-Russian State University of Justice
Vsevolod Vukolov
Deputy Minister of Justice of the Russian Federation
Fedor Lukyanov
Chairman, Patriarchal Commission for Family Affairs and Protection of Motherhood and Childhoo
Grigory Saifullin
Project Director, Social Development Practice, Agency for Strategic Initiatives to Promote New Projects (ASI)
Anna Filonenko
Coordinator of the Federal Project Strong Family, All-Russian Political Party UNITED RUSSIA
Anna Shafran
Head of the Directorate of Analytical Radio Programs of the Zvezda Media Holding, "ZVEZDA" the Russian Armed Forces Broadcasting Company
Front row participant
Marina Ilyushina
Head of the Department of Civil and Business Law, All-Russian State University of Justice

Maria Kiseleva
Deputy, Moscow City Duma; Three -Time Olympic Champion in Synchronous Swimming

Olga Alexandrova
Rector, All-Russian State University of Justice

Vsevolod Vukolov
Deputy Minister of Justice of the Russian Federation

Fedor Lukyanov
Chairman, Patriarchal Commission for Family Affairs and Protection of Motherhood and Childhoo

Grigory Saifullin
Project Director, Social Development Practice, Agency for Strategic Initiatives to Promote New Projects (ASI)

Anna Filonenko
Coordinator of the Federal Project Strong Family, All-Russian Political Party UNITED RUSSIA

Anna Shafran
Head of the Directorate of Analytical Radio Programs of the Zvezda Media Holding, "ZVEZDA" the Russian Armed Forces Broadcasting Company

Marina Ilyushina
Head of the Department of Civil and Business Law, All-Russian State University of Justice