Business programme

Balancing the Interests of the Claimant and the Debtor in Enforcement Proceedings: Identifying the Optimal Model

Congress Centre, conference hall E11
Dispute Resolution
Balancing the interests of parties involved in enforcement proceedings is the golden mean that the Russian Ministry of Justice and key state bodies strive to achieve when drafting and implementing the state policy concerning compulsory enforcement. What has already been done to protect the rights of claimants and debtors? Whose rights are more protected? What problems arise when parties to enforcement proceedings exercise their rights? Are their rights being abused in enforcement proceedings and what can we do about it? What prospects exist for improving legislation to balance the rights and legitimate interests of claimants and debtors?


Vladimir Gureev
Vice-Rector for Science, Head of the Department of Civil Procedure, Public Law Activities and Organization of the Bailiff Service, All-Russian State University of Justice (RPA of the Ministry of Justice of Russia)


Evgeny Akimov
Managing Director − Head of the Department of Enforced Collection and Bankruptcy, Sberbank
Dmitry Aristov
Director, Federal Bailiffs Service – Chief Bailiff of the Russian Federation
Yury Voronin
Chief Financial Commissioner for the Rights of Consumers of Financial Services
Vladislav Grib
Deputy Secretary, Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation; Member, The Public Council under the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation
Evgeny Zabarchuk
First Deputy Minister of Justice of the Russian Federation
Andrey Medvedev
Legal Department Director, The Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia)
Sergey Nikel
Head of the Main Enforcement Directorate, Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Belarus – Chief Bailiff of the Republic of Belarus

Front row participants

Vladimir Vedernikov
Director of the Department of State Policy in the Field of Compulsory Enforcement, Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation
Dmitry Malbin
Leading expert of the Institute of Administrative Legal Regulation Problems, Higher School of Economics

