Business programme

Cities of the Future: Smart Technologies and Efficient Space Management

Congress Centre, conference hall B3
The Environment and Urban Planning
The urban economy is a complex system in which various legal issues arise that require attention and resolution. Creating a comfortable and safe living environment is one of Russia’s national goals. Given that the urban economy is multifaceted and legal matters are closely intertwined with social, economic, and environmental issues, the development and introduction of an effective legal framework is crucial to the sustainable development of urban economies. Spatial development, planning and management issues, and smart technologies play an important role in this process. These factors help to optimize the use of resources, promote innovation, and also improve people’s quality of life. How does the legal framework affect a city’s economy? What issues in this regard require urgent attention and solutions? What else can be done to this end to improve the quality of life of urban residents?


Igor Drozdov
Deputy Chairman, VEB.RF


Andrey Baluk
Director, City Investment Management Agency, Department of Investment and Industrial Policy of the City of Moscow
Yuriy Korsun
Deputy Chairman, VEB.RF
Alexander Larichev
Deputy Dean for Research, Faculty of Law, National Research University Higher School of Economics
Natalya Trunova
Auditor, Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation

