Business programme

Notification in Transnational Proceedings: Speed or Due Process

Congress Centre, conference hall B1
Dispute Resolution
Providing notification to parties involved in a court case is an integral guarantee of justice in civil and commercial cases. In transnational proceedings, this procedure raises numerous practical questions for the parties in legal proceedings, as well as the central and competent authorities. They are at the confluence of different legal orders that have their own principles and procedures, constantly searching for an acceptable balance for all the relevant jurisdictions between the actual notification of the parties, compliance with formalities, and a reasonable period of legal proceedings. What practices are there for using cross-border cooperation tools to notify the parties in proceedings? What approaches exist to determine the applicable law for the judicial notification procedure? What problems arise when searching for defendants and when can they not be served with notifications abroad? What prospects exist for the introduction of electronic technologies to provide notifications in transnational proceedings?


Yuliy Tay
Managing Partner, Bartolius Law Office


Yulia Bogatina
Deputy Chairman, Arbitration Court of the Moscow Region; Associate Professor of the Department of International Law, Russian State University of Justice (RGUP)
Alexander Grebelsky
Managing Partner, Grebelsky and Partners; Director, Information Center of the Hague Conference on Private International Law in Moscow; Chairman of the Collegium for International Disputes, Arbitration Center at the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs; Associate Professor, Department of International Private and Civil Law, MGIMO University
Bruce Marks
Founder, Managing Member, Marks&Sokolov
Elena Mokhova
Deputy Head of the Department of Legal Regulation of Business, National Research University Higher School of Economics
Sergey Seliverstov
Managing Director for Legal Support of Administrative and Economic Activities and Judicial Work, Russian Export Center

