Business programme

Resolution of Intellectual Property Disputes in Eurasia

Презентация монографии

Congress Centre, conference hall E9
Sideline Events
At present, national and regional patent systems operate in parallel in the countries that are part of the Eurasian Patent Organization. Their coexistence raises questions about the harmonization of compliance practices and the development of a system to resolve disputes concerning Eurasian patents. Practice shows that national courts can make different decisions regarding the same Eurasian patent, even when objections are filed by the same person and are based on the same prior art documents. The decision to deny a Eurasian patent cannot be challenged in court at all now. The monograph presents the experience of regional courts in Eurasia, current opportunities for challenging decisions, and prospects for the development of a system that would consider patent disputes. How can you protect your intellectual rights in Eurasian countries? How many courts do you have to go through to protect a Eurasian patent? The Eurasian Patent Convention and national courts: does everyone read it the same way? Why do we need the Eurasian Patent Court?


Grigory Ivliev
President, Eurasian Patent Office (EAPO) of the Eurasian Patent Organization


Tatyana Neshataeva
Professor, Head of the Department of International Law, Russian State University of Justice (RGUP)
Sergey Fabrichnyi
Director, Federal Agency for Legal Protection of the Results of Intellectual Activities of Military, Special and Dual Purpose

