Business programme

Reducing Conflict in Tax Matters

Congress Centre, conference hall B1
Effective Law for an Effective State
In the current reality, with businesses not yet having had time to recover from the pandemic and now facing the impact of unilateral restrictive measures, an objective assessment of tax risks for certain operations is particularly important for taxpayers. Openness and good faith behaviour by the taxpayer and consistency in the formation of positions by the tax authorities contribute to the taxpayer's business reputation and an increase in confidence in the dialogue between business and regulatory authorities. What principles of interaction between the public and private sectors contribute to the comfortable implementation of tax administration?


Sergey Ovsyannikov
Associate Professor of the Department of Administrative and Financial Law, St Petersburg University


Victor Matchekhin
Associate Professor of the Department of Tax Law, Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL)
Aleksey Nesterenko
Managing Partner, FBK Legal
Petr Popov
Leading Lawyer, Pepeliaev Group
Zhanna Sedova
Deputy General Director, Director for Legal Affairs and Corporate Relations, EL5-Energo
Valeria Khmelevskaya
Partner, Brand & Partners; Chairman of the Tax and Financial Reporting Committee, German-Russian Chamber of Commerce; Member of the Public Council, Federal Tax Service of Russia
Roman Yakushev
Head of the Department for Pre-Trial Settlement of Tax Disputes, Federal Tax Service of Russia

