Antimonopoly Regulation in the Present Conditions: Challenges, Tasks and Development Prospects
Congress Centre, conference hall B4
A mixed market economy depends on a number of factors. These include competition, competitive market conditions, and efforts to prevent monopolies from taking shape. The structural shifts taking place throughout the world, the development of digital technologies, and the increased role played by innovations all have implications. These include the transformation of legal relations, the removal of geographical borders delineating commodity markets, and the destruction of established economic ties. In their place are emerging completely new markets of a global and multilateral nature. An evaluation of the changes which are under way, and of the economic situation in Russia and across the world reveals that timely steps need to be taken by the government in order to withstand such global challenges. What measures have been taken in recent years by antimonopoly bodies in order to address economic challenges and ensure fair competition across various sectors of the country's economy? What has been done in terms of improving antimonopoly legislation and minimizing red tape for businesses operating in markets of social importance? What issues are central to developing antimonopoly regulation in foreign jurisdictions, including in EAEU and BRICS member states? What should be done in relation to improving the content and application of competition law in the Eurasian Economic Union? What are the prospects and possible benefits of fostering multilateral partnerships between antimonopoly bodies based in these countries?
Sergey Puzyrevsky
Secretary of State – Deputy Head, Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Russian Federation (FAS Russia)
Sriraj V.
Joint Director, Competition Commission of India
Yuri Ivanenko
Judge, The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation
Natalia Korosteleva
Head of Competition Law Practice, EPAM Law Offices
Shushan Sargsyan
Member, Commission for Protection of Competition of the Republic of Armenia (online)
Bakhyt Sultanov
Member of the Board (Minister) for Competition
and Antimonopoly Regulation, Eurasian Economic Commission
Liang Huide
Director, Anti-Monopoly Enforcement Department, State Administration for Market Regulation of the People’s Republic of China (online)

Sergey Puzyrevsky
Secretary of State – Deputy Head, Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Russian Federation (FAS Russia)

Sriraj V.
Joint Director, Competition Commission of India

Yuri Ivanenko
Judge, The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation

Natalia Korosteleva
Head of Competition Law Practice, EPAM Law Offices
Natalia Korosteleva advises and represents clients in all areas of Russian competition law. She coordinates merger control approvals of domestic and international transactions, regularly appears before the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia during antitrust investigations in cases concerning abuse of dominance, concerted actions, cartels and vertical restraints, advises on business restructurings and market strategies to comply with antimonopoly regulations, as well as a variety of other matters.Her recent victories in the area of competition enforcement include representation of Yandex against Google. She frequently advises on the legal regime of foreign investments into strategic sectors of the Russian economy. Over the years of practice Natalia has developed expertise in such sectors as metals, mining, energy, packaging, food and beverage, pharmaceuticals, transport, building materials, media, banking and others. She is a member of a number of Advisory Councils at the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia. Thanks to her active involvement in drafting of laws, she has contributed to the drafting of inter alia the Second, the Third, and the Fourth “Antimonopoly Packages” of laws, of amendments and additions to the federal laws On Competition Protection and On Strategic Investments, of the Governmental Regulation No. 583 (with respect to “vertical agreements”).In 2016 Natalia has been named as one of the Global Competition Review’s Women in Antitrust, being the only lawyer from Russia to be featured among the 100 elite practitioners working on antitrust litigation and enforcement across multiple jurisdictions.Prior to joining Egorov Puginsky Afanasiev & Partners in 2006, Natalya was the Head of Legal at EuroCement Group, a leading Russian cement holding.Natalia Korosteleva graduated from the Law School of Krasnoyarsk State University in 2001 and the All-Russian State Tax Academy of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation in 2005.

Shushan Sargsyan
Member, Commission for Protection of Competition of the Republic of Armenia

Bakhyt Sultanov
Member of the Board (Minister) for Competition
and Antimonopoly Regulation, Eurasian Economic Commission
Liang Huide
Director, Anti-Monopoly Enforcement Department, State Administration for Market Regulation of the People’s Republic of China