Business programme

Customs Know-How in Relation to Replenishing Public Coffers

Congress Centre, conference hall E12
State Regulation and Sovereignty
As Russia’s foreign trade turnover declines and the target indicators for the collection of customs duties increase, the customs authorities are looking for new ways to boost customs duties. The use of such methods raises numerous questions from a legal, economic, and political standpoint. When one agency performs fiscal tasks without taking into account the general tax implications in violation of the principle of equal taxation, while testing the elasticity of the law and ignoring the general goals of creating a conducive investment climate and modernizing production with advanced technologies, this does more harm than good to the state’s interests. Judicial control is designed to have a stabilizing effect on the economy, since the law must be applied uniformly, regardless of the financial situation in the country. Unfortunately, however, judicial practice in customs disputes shows that during an economic downturn, judges take a pro-budget position and are not above ignoring or distorting legal norms.


Alexander Kosov
Partner, Head of Customs and Foreign Trade Regulation Practice, Pepeliaev Group


Galina Balandina
Head, Center for Foreign Economic Activity Support
Danil Vinnytsky
Head of the Department of Financial Law, Head of BRICS Law Institute, V.F. Yakovlev Ural State Law University
Natalia Pavlova
Judge from the Russian Federation, Court of the Eurasian Economic Union
Artem Podshibyakin
Director for Legal Affairs, Interaction with Government Authorities and Compliance, New Fashion

