Business programme

Parameters of a Fair Tax System. Expectations and Possible Difficulties

Congress Centre, conference hall D4
Dispute Resolution
The State Duma is discussing parameters for the modernization of the tax system. The amendments are expected to be the most extensive in recent times. These circumstances force businesses and the professional community to pay increased attention to possible innovations. In particular, the changes affect all major taxes: personal income tax, income tax, VAT, as well as the most sensitive issues for entrepreneurs associated with the ‘fragmentation’ of business, tax benefits for IT companies, and tax rules for controlled foreign companies. However, several issues have not yet been clarified in the bill. For example, the bill does not contain clear criteria for the ‘fragmentation’ of business, and the Russian government has yet to determine the parameters for the provision of a federal investment deduction. The session participants will discuss certain aspects of tax reforms, in particular the upcoming amnesty for the ‘fragmentation’ of business, the parameters of the federal tax deduction, as well as how to apply tax benefits. How can a business determine whether a group of companies is a single economic entity and whether it qualifies for amnesty? What are the expectations of business concerning the main parameters of the federal investment deduction? How can we strike a balance in public and private interests in terms of increasing the personal income tax and corporate income tax rates?


Mikhail Begunov
Managing Partner, Tax Compliance


Oksana Adian
Deputy Global Finance Director for Mergers and Acquisitions, Corporate Structuring and Tax, Roust Russia
Konstantin Asabin
Head of the Tax, Alpha Capital
Pavel Ledovskoy
Head of Tax Practice, Lawyer, "Diktatura Zakona" Bar Association of the City of Moscow
Ekaterina Shkvarenko
Head of Methodology and Internal Control Department, IDS Borjomi

Front row participant

Andrey Solomyany
Partner, Tax Complianc

