Business programme

Russia’s Financial Market: What Does the Future Hold? (A Dialogue Between the Regulator and the Regulated)

Congress Centre, conference hall B4
State Regulation and Sovereignty
The Russian financial market has been in the process of adapting to major changes and the transformation that followed since 2022. In this period, the conditions for working with global institutions have changed, as has the way financial institutions operate within the country. The new reality facing the financial market in combination with rapidly changing external conditions has required immediate legal regulation. New legal regulations continue to be formed for financial market participants even today. How has the financial market weathered this period? How are the interests of financial market service users being protected? What features define the current state of financial market architecture? What legal approaches may the new market architecture require to keep developing?


Alexey Guznov
Secretary of State – Deputy Chairman, The Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia)


Alexey Timofeev
President, Russian National Association of Securities Market Participants (NAUFOR)
Vladimir Chistyukhin
First Deputy Governor, The Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia)
Sergey Shvetsov
Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Moscow Exchange Supervisory Board (online)

