Smart Legal Regulation of the Economy: Tools for Improving Legislation
Congress Centre, conference hall B2
The state regulates the economy when the market cannot otherwise achieve the necessary balance on its own by imposing additional duties under the fear of punishment or even providing support when appropriate. Smart (effective) regulation means a government policy where the benefits of legal regulation exceed the costs of enforcement, or, in other words, high quality, effective legal regulation based on reliable data. Such efficiency is made possible through the application of smart regulation tools from start to finish (from the development of legal acts to their implementation and subsequent adjustment). When does the state need to increase or decrease economic regulation? What tools can help us understand when this should be? How can we ensure legal regulation is effective?
Pavel Smelov
General Director, Center for Strategic Research Foundation
Marina Bludyan
First Vice President, All‑Russian Non-Governmental Organization of Small and Medium‑Sized Businesses OPORA RUSSIA
Alisher Karimov
Deputy Minister of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Elena Klimenko
Deputy Head, Main Control Department of the City of Moscow
Alexander Litvak
Chief Executive Officer, Co-regulation Platform
Dmitry Smolnikov
General Director, Agency for Strategic Development of the City of Moscow

Pavel Smelov
General Director, Center for Strategic Research Foundation

Marina Bludyan
First Vice President, All‑Russian Non-Governmental Organization of Small and Medium‑Sized Businesses OPORA RUSSIA
Bludyan, Marina Anatolievna was born on December 26, 1961 in Moscow.
In 1985 she graduated from Moscow Automobile and Road Construction State Technical University.
In 1989 she graduated from Foreign Trade Academy of the USSR.
She is a Vice-President of Russian non-governmental organization for small and medium business «OPORA RUSSIA»; a member of the Supreme Council of the All-Russian political party «United Russia»; the representative of the Presidential Commissioner for protection of the entrepreneurs rights; the Committee Coordinator of the All-Russian People’s Front; the Chairman of the Board of Directors of SPA “Phoenix”, LLC; the Deputy Chairperson of Public Council of the Federal Accreditation Service; a member of the Public Council of the Federal Agency on Technical Regulating and Metrology (Rosstandart), a member of the Council of SRO “Association PPE” (Association of designers, manufacturers and suppliers of personal protective equipment).
Marina Bludyan is the author and patent holder of 18 Russian invention patents and 8 international invention patents.
In 1985 she graduated from Moscow Automobile and Road Construction State Technical University.
In 1989 she graduated from Foreign Trade Academy of the USSR.
She is a Vice-President of Russian non-governmental organization for small and medium business «OPORA RUSSIA»; a member of the Supreme Council of the All-Russian political party «United Russia»; the representative of the Presidential Commissioner for protection of the entrepreneurs rights; the Committee Coordinator of the All-Russian People’s Front; the Chairman of the Board of Directors of SPA “Phoenix”, LLC; the Deputy Chairperson of Public Council of the Federal Accreditation Service; a member of the Public Council of the Federal Agency on Technical Regulating and Metrology (Rosstandart), a member of the Council of SRO “Association PPE” (Association of designers, manufacturers and suppliers of personal protective equipment).
Marina Bludyan is the author and patent holder of 18 Russian invention patents and 8 international invention patents.

Alisher Karimov
Deputy Minister of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Elena Klimenko
Deputy Head, Main Control Department of the City of Moscow

Alexander Litvak
Chief Executive Officer, Co-regulation Platform

Dmitry Smolnikov
General Director, Agency for Strategic Development of the City of Moscow