Foreign Trade Lending and Insurance: New Legal Realities in New Markets
Congress Centre, conference hall E12
Необходимость поддержать экспортеров из различных отраслей создает стимулы для государства, финансово-кредитных и страховых организаций для развития правового инструментария по финансированию российского экспорта. Как российская система поддержки ВЭД и финансовый рынок адаптируются под запросы клиентов-экспортеров и формируют комплексные предложения, учитывающие актуальные правовые вызовы и ограничения международной торговли? Как современные механизмы кредитования и страхования внешнеторговых операций от политических и коммерческих рисков позволяют оценить и какие правовые инструменты позволяют сбалансировать риски банка и экспортера? Какие продукты может предложить финансовый рынок бизнесу для поддержки выхода на новые внешние рынки и развития производства? Каковы ключевые тенденции в сфере поддержки и проведения страхования и кредитования экспортно-импортных операций и инвестиций?
Mikhail Demin
Chief Managing Director of the Block of International Projects and Foreign Representative Offices, VEB.RF
Alexander Grebelsky
Managing Partner, Grebelsky and Partners
Liya Grishaeva
Managing Director for Legal Support of Export Financial Support Projects, Russian Export Center
Alexander Korsak
Partner, Law Firm "GRATA International"
Iftikhar Pirov
Managing Partner, General Director, Sokolov, Maslov and Partners
Sergey Seliverstov
Managing Director for Legal Support of Administrative and Economic Activities and Judicial Work, Russian Export Center
Liliya Shchur-Trukhanovich
Director of the Department for Development and Regulation of Foreign Economic Activity, Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation
Front row participant
Natalia Kolerova
Corporate Practice Partner, Lawyer, S&K Vertical

Mikhail Demin
Chief Managing Director of the Block of International Projects and Foreign Representative Offices, VEB.RF

Alexander Grebelsky
Managing Partner, Grebelsky and Partners
Current professional positions and affiliations:
Member of Moscow Bar Association since 2007.
Managing Partner and Head of Dispute Resolution at «Grebelsky & Partners».
Chairman of the Panel for International and Investment Disputes at the Arbitration Centre at the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP).
Head of the Commission on Arbitration and ADR at the Moscow Branch of the Association of Lawyers of Russia and a member of the Commission on Arbitration at the Association of the Lawyers of Russia
Member of the Russian Branch of the International Law Association.
Rapporteur at the International Commercial Arbitration Court and the Maritime Arbitration Commission at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation.
Coach of MGIMO Team at Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot.
Alexander has published a number of articles on Private International Law, International Commercial and Investment Arbitration, International Litigation, and other forms of dispute resolution. His research paper «Evidence in International Commercial Arbitration» (academic supervisors — Dr. Prof. S.N.Lebedev and Dr. Prof. A.A. Kostin) is awarded with the Russian Arbitration Day 2019 Award for the Best Paper on Arbitration in Russia.
Area of expertise: Private International Law, Transnational Civil Procedure, International Commercial and Investment Arbitration, International Trade Law, English Law of Contracts.
Alexander is involved in legal practice since 2004 and started lecturing in MGIMO since 2012.
Member of Moscow Bar Association since 2007.
Managing Partner and Head of Dispute Resolution at «Grebelsky & Partners».
Chairman of the Panel for International and Investment Disputes at the Arbitration Centre at the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP).
Head of the Commission on Arbitration and ADR at the Moscow Branch of the Association of Lawyers of Russia and a member of the Commission on Arbitration at the Association of the Lawyers of Russia
Member of the Russian Branch of the International Law Association.
Rapporteur at the International Commercial Arbitration Court and the Maritime Arbitration Commission at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation.
Coach of MGIMO Team at Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot.
Alexander has published a number of articles on Private International Law, International Commercial and Investment Arbitration, International Litigation, and other forms of dispute resolution. His research paper «Evidence in International Commercial Arbitration» (academic supervisors — Dr. Prof. S.N.Lebedev and Dr. Prof. A.A. Kostin) is awarded with the Russian Arbitration Day 2019 Award for the Best Paper on Arbitration in Russia.
Area of expertise: Private International Law, Transnational Civil Procedure, International Commercial and Investment Arbitration, International Trade Law, English Law of Contracts.
Alexander is involved in legal practice since 2004 and started lecturing in MGIMO since 2012.

Liya Grishaeva
Managing Director for Legal Support of Export Financial Support Projects, Russian Export Center

Alexander Korsak
Partner, Law Firm "GRATA International"

Iftikhar Pirov
Managing Partner, General Director, Sokolov, Maslov and Partners
Iftikhar Pirov has been dealing with maritime and fishing law issues for more than 25 years and is an internationally recognized expert in these areas.
In 1992, Iftikhar Pirov became one of the founders of the firm Sokolov, Maslov and Partners, and he has been a member of the boards of directors of a number of large enterprises since 1996.
Possessing extensive experience and knowledge in maritime, customs and tax law allows Iftikhar to provide comprehensive assistance to clients in solving the problems facing them. Iftikhar Pirov provides comprehensive legal advice to Russian and foreign companies on merchant shipping and fishing, including:
• development and structuring of transactions regarding construction, management, financing, purchase and sale of merchant and fishing fleets,
• registration and customs clearance of ships;
• settlement of disputes in connection with the operation of merchant ships and fishing fleets and carriage by sea;
• advice on industrial and coastal fishing, consolidation and development of quotas for aquatic biological resources;
• advice on taxation.
Iftikhar graduated from the Department of International Law of Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO).
In 1992, Iftikhar Pirov became one of the founders of the firm Sokolov, Maslov and Partners, and he has been a member of the boards of directors of a number of large enterprises since 1996.
Possessing extensive experience and knowledge in maritime, customs and tax law allows Iftikhar to provide comprehensive assistance to clients in solving the problems facing them. Iftikhar Pirov provides comprehensive legal advice to Russian and foreign companies on merchant shipping and fishing, including:
• development and structuring of transactions regarding construction, management, financing, purchase and sale of merchant and fishing fleets,
• registration and customs clearance of ships;
• settlement of disputes in connection with the operation of merchant ships and fishing fleets and carriage by sea;
• advice on industrial and coastal fishing, consolidation and development of quotas for aquatic biological resources;
• advice on taxation.
Iftikhar graduated from the Department of International Law of Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO).

Sergey Seliverstov
Managing Director for Legal Support of Administrative and Economic Activities and Judicial Work, Russian Export Center

Liliya Shchur-Trukhanovich
Director of the Department for Development and Regulation of Foreign Economic Activity, Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation

Natalia Kolerova
Corporate Practice Partner, Lawyer, S&K Vertical