Business programme

Bankruptcy 2024: New Trends

Congress Centre, conference hall B1
Dispute Resolution
In this era of global changes, it is important that the law respond to new challenges immediately. And the dynamic legal institution of bankruptcy is no exception. The first half of 2024 has already set the year apart among the professional community for the number of fundamental new legal positions: the granting of Russian courts jurisdiction over the bankruptcy of foreign companies, adjustments to the system for redistributing the tax burden for insolvents, new insolvency thresholds proposed by the legislator, and the unification of procedural rules for the consideration of separate disputes in bankruptcy cases. In what cases is the bankruptcy of a non-resident company in the Russian Federation permissible? How can we compromise between the fiscal interests of the governing body and the claims of bankruptcy creditors? How do the participants and management of a corporation protect their property rights when attempting to resolve a corporate conflict through insolvency?


Vladimir Nazarenko
Chief Trial Lawyer of the Legal Block, VEB.RF


Evgeny Akimov
Managing Director − Head of the Department of Enforced Collection and Bankruptcy, Sberbank
Ivan Gulin
Advocate; Partner, RKT Consulting Group
Julia Litovtseva
Partner, Head of Bankruptcy and Anti-Crisis Business Protection Practice, Pepeliaev Group
Daniil Savchenko
Advocate; Managing Partner, BFL | Арбитраж.ру; Executive Director, Bankrupt Club
Evgeny Suvorov
Professor of the Department of Civil Law, Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL); Advocate, Law Office of E.D. Suvorov; Arbitrator, Russian Arbitration Center
Anton Sychev
Advocate, Mediator; Deputy Chairman of the Board, Union of Arbitration Managers "Avangard"

Front row participant

Oleg Sheikin
Advisor, Lawyer, Forward Legal

