Business programme

Modern Trends in Legal Management and Consulting

Congress Centre, conference hall D3
The Business Environment, Corporate Governance, and the Legal Services Market
The effective interaction of companies’ legal services and legal business is a key issue amidst the digital transformation of the economy. Building a systematic dialogue between them is crucial to ensuring proper legal protection for business, the successful development of local rule-making, as well as preventing risks and various types of legal liability. What principles should the legal departments of companies and the legal business follow in their interaction? In what cases can legal departments and law firms engage in long-term strategic cooperation? What tools can be used to evaluate the effectiveness of a partnership when a legal business solves problems brought to them by the customer? What key issues arise when legal departments and law firms collaborate? How can representatives of the legal business reach the required level of customer focus and immersion in the specifics of a customer’s activities?


Dmitry Kuznetsov
Director, Graduate School of Law and Administration, National Research University Higher School of Economics


Kirill Buryakov
Director, Founder, Doczilla
Yulia Kuzmicheva
Founder, ANO Leadership Legal Innovations and New Competencies
Aleksey Nikiforov
Managing Director, Legal Management
Alexey Pelevin
Founder, Chief Executive Officer, PravoTech
Igor Redkin
Executive Director for Legal Support of Contractual Work and Procurement Activities of the Legal Block, VEB.RF
Vladimir Utkin
Legal Director, T Plus

