Business programme

Fighting for the Sky: From Challenges to Opportunities. Strategies to Protect Business and Passengers

In partnership with Aeroflot

Congress Centre, conference hall B3
The Business Environment, Corporate Governance, and the Legal Services Market
The sanctions ‘tsunami’ that has the Russian aviation industry, and not only, dealing with countless new challenges and difficulties can, nevertheless, be overcome. The new legal realities arising where jurisdictions overlap have given rise to new trends and approaches. A comprehensive analysis of foreign regulations and Russian counter-sanction measures has resulted in a new approach to relations in the operation of aircraft and aircraft engines owned by foreign companies from unfriendly countries. What is the best way to effectively protect Russia’s rights and interests in disagreements with foreign leasing companies? How can we avoid lengthy and costly court proceedings? What arguments will get us to an agreement?


Anna Khomyakova
Head of Legal Department, Aeroflot


Dmitry Bogdanov
Professor of the Department of Civil Law, Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL)
Mikhail Vinogradov
Head of the General Directorate of International Legal Cooperation, General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation
Dmitry Dyakin
Partner, Co-Head of the Legal Dispute Resolution Practice, Rybalkin, Gortsunyan, Dyakin & Partners
Dmitry Zverev
State Secretary – Deputy Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation (online)
Anastasia Leletina
Deputy Director of the Department for State Registration of Departmental Regulatory Legal Acts, Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation
Grigory Melnichuk
Managing Partner, Melnichuk Law Firm
Aleksandr Miloserdov
Director of Legal Affairs, Pobeda Airlines
Elena Stepanenko
Partner, LGS Legal Services

