Punishment before Sentencing: Is there an Alternative to Detention?
Congress Centre, conference hall E12
Every country has its own system of pretrial restrictions, and each has developed its own approaches to preventing suspects from absconding and stopping them from hindering investigations. Detention is the most severe preventive measure used when prosecution through less stringent measures is not possible. At the same time, pretrial detention is the most effective way to ensure that the state can keep tabs on the suspect, which is what makes it the most desirable course of action for the preliminary investigation bodies. The state thus has to balance the interests of the criminal investigation and human rights when applying pretrial restrictions. This session will consider possible alternatives to pretrial detention. What factors influence the decision to use detention as a pretrial measure? Why is bail common in certain countries and almost unheard of in others? How are preventive measures regulated in foreign regulation? How are these measures used in practice?
Maria Butina
Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation
Ayaz Baetov
Minister of Justice of the Kyrgyz Republic
Alexander Varvarin
State Secretary, Vice President for Legal Regulation and Administration, Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP)
Leonid Golovko
Head of the Department of Criminal Procedure, Justice and Prosecutorial Supervision, Lomonosov Moscow State University
Karin Kneissl
Head, Center G.O.R.K.I. (Geopolitical Observatory for Russia’s Key Issues) SPbU; Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Austria (2017–2019)
Sergey Nasonov
Advisor to the Federal Chamber of Lawyers of the Russian Federation
Tarek Willians Saab Halabi
Prosecutor General of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
Vadim Fedorov
Deputy Minister of Justice of the Russian Federation
Alexander Chervotkin
Judge, Supreme Court of the Russian Federation

Maria Butina
Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation

Ayaz Baetov
Minister of Justice of the Kyrgyz Republic

Alexander Varvarin
State Secretary, Vice President for Legal Regulation and Administration, Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP)

Leonid Golovko
Head of the Department of Criminal Procedure, Justice and Prosecutorial Supervision, Lomonosov Moscow State University

Karin Kneissl
Head, Center G.O.R.K.I. (Geopolitical Observatory for Russia’s Key Issues) SPbU; Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Austria (2017–2019)

Sergey Nasonov
Advisor to the Federal Chamber of Lawyers of the Russian Federation

Tarek Willians Saab Halabi
Prosecutor General of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela

Vadim Fedorov
Deputy Minister of Justice of the Russian Federation

Alexander Chervotkin
Judge, Supreme Court of the Russian Federation