Business programme

Legal Aspects in the New Social Studies Programme

Congress Centre, conference hall B2
Society and Human Rights
The global changes taking place before our eyes today are challenging the national education system in new ways. Especially affected are school social studies programmes, designed to ensure schoolchildren grow up to be good citizens of the Russian Federation. New federal state educational standards and programmes provide for changes to the content of social studies at school for up to three years – from 9th to 11th grades. The crux of the new programme is the absolute necessity of sovereignty if Russian society and every Russian family and individual are to develop and prosper. Why did the social studies programme need to be updated? What are there risks involved in replacing a 6-year programme with a 3-year programme? How will the new programme and state textbooks guide students to a correct understanding of legal culture and consciousness, rights and duties, and respect for generally accepted social norms and moral values? How are the primacy of national interests and the importance of the legal principles enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation covered? What does the new social studies programme look like?


Sergey Kravtsov
Minister of Education of the Russian Federation


Alexander Vorontsov
Teacher of history and social studies, Gymnasium No. 166 of the Central District of St. Petersburg; Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation
Vladislav Kononov
Head of the Department for Coordination of State Policy Issues in the Historical and Humanitarian Spheres, Administration of the President of the Russian Federation
Vladimir Medinskiy
Aide to the President of the Russian Federation; Chairman, Russian Military Historical Society
Vladimir Sinyukov
Vice-Rector for Research Activities, Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL)
Sergey Tarasov
Rector, A.I. Herzen Russian State Pedagogical University

