Business programme

Law as the Basis for the Development of Innovation and Technology

Congress Centre, conference hall D2
Innovation, Technologies and Law
The further development of innovations and technologies and the strengthening of Russia’s technological sovereignty on this basis is one of the country’s strategic and key objectives. In the current conditions, Russia needs new information, digital, and other technologies that are critical for the sustainable and safe functioning of the economy and society. Technological innovations are not simply one of the factors of economic growth and national security. They dictate the prospects for the development of the economy and social sector, people’s well-being and quality of life, and the effective operation of state institutions. The law must provide a modern and comfortable regulatory environment for Russia’s innovative scientific and technological development, the introduction and use of new technologies, the encouragement of technological innovation, and the implementation of goals and objectives in all spheres of life on this basis. How does the law ensure the creation and development of innovations and technologies? What breakthrough end-to-end digital technologies should legal regulation primarily aim to develop? What kind of legal framework is needed to ensure the country’s innovative scientific and technological development? How can we effectively use legal instruments in the technology race? What legal support measures do high-tech companies need?


Victor Vaypan
Vice-Rector for Innovative Scientific and Technological Development, Lomonosov Moscow State University


Denis Abdrakhmanov
Deputy Corporate Director – Director of the Center for Interaction with Federal Authorities, Agency of Strategic Initiatives
Andrey Gabov
Corresponding Member, Russian Academy of Sciences; Chief Researcher, Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Igor Drozdov
Deputy Chairman, VEB.RF
Grigory Ivliev
President, Eurasian Patent Office (EAPO) of the Eurasian Patent Organization
Vladimir Pligin
Co-chair, Association of Lawyers of Russia; Head of the Sector of Administrative Law and Administrative Process, Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences

