Business programme

Assurances and Guarantees in Russian Law: Distribution of Contractual and Tax Risks

Congress Centre, conference hall B1
The Business Environment, Corporate Governance, and the Legal Services Market
The civil law rules that took effect in 2015 on assurances and indemnity agreements enabled contractual parties subject to Russian law to include conditions similar to representations and warranties, as well as indemnity clauses in contracts under English law. Of course, Russian law was previously able to achieve the same effect for the proper recording and redistribution of risks or the assumption of additional liability. But since there were huge problems with this in practice, rules on assurances and indemnity agreements needed to be incorporated into Russian law. The new rules, as expected, raised new questions, ranging from the correlation of these institutions with the general concept of the obligation to their use in relation to public law, for example, tax risks. This roundtable will feature a discussion of the practical challenges that have emerged in recent years regarding assurances and indemnity agreements. The legal qualification of assurances and indemnity agreements as the concept of an obligation: what are we basing our conclusions on about what we face? Formalization of warranties and representations: do they really need to be prepared in writing with clear, explicit, and unambiguous statements? Is it possible to provide an assurance about something in the future? Is it possible to conclude an indemnity agreement based on a circumstance related to the debtor’s behaviour? Can representations and warranties be effectively used to protect one party to a contract against tax risks?


Mikhail Tserkovnikov
Head of the Department of Law of Obligations, S.S. Alexeev Private Law Research Centre under the President of the Russian Federation


Viktor Batsiev
Deputy Commissioner, Federal Tax Service of Russia
Ilya Zikun
Deputy Chairman of the Council, S.S. Alekseev Research Center for Private Law under the President of the Russian Federation
Alyona Kucher
Associate Professor of the Civil Law Chair of the Faculty of Law, Lomonosov Moscow State University; Senior Partner, Kucher Kuleshov Maximenko & Partners (KKMP)
Andrey Pavlov
Associate Professor of the Civil Law Department of the Law Faculty, St. Petersburg State University
Alexander Razgildeev
Deputy Head of the Department for Systematization of Legislation and Analysis of Judicial Practice in Cases of Economic Disputes, Directorate for Systematization of Legislation and Analysis of Judicial Practice, Supreme Court of the Russian Federation
Denis Tyutin
Judge, The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation

